

Primary LanguageVim Script


Dotfiles, also include some vim related files.

Bash features and commands

Some self-defined functions and features.

Warning messages

  1. git stash
  2. virtualenv (for python)
  3. .sourceme.sh



Toggle between long prompt (default) and short prompt (focus mode).


Readline programs now use vi mode!!

Enter visual mode to open editor to edit command.

This is the same as <C-x><C-e>


  • git branch --show-description

    • Show description of current branch. Not very usefull...
  • git log -o / git log -og

    • -o for oneline, and -og for oneline and graph.
  • git ff (number)

    • autofixup the last commit if the message is "ff" (or up to 'number' - 1 cocmmits)


Open a file.

Since windows does not know what to do with markdown, it is manually opened in the function.


Remove .*.swp files in the current directory.

activate (Switch to pipenv)

Source activate file for python virtualenv. Switch to pipenv instead.


Highlight tool.


Ltcd. Use cd -- to select and cd -n to go to last n dir.

pdir PREFIX [count=1]

Search parent directory for matching PREFIX name.

Useful when combining with ls and cd.


Combined mkdir and cd.


Cat a file from ~/templates/.

Call this in vim :r!vread <file> to insert.


Usage: ytd [url] (format)

youtube-dl. Defualt format=mp3

Vimrc features and commands

Remember to copy all the content from .vim.

Use vim-plug as plugin manager.

Run vim +PlugInstall to install plugins and use vim +PlugUpdate to updates.


A really powerful autocompletion and linting engine.

  • c/c++/obj-c: clangd

     sudo apt-get install clang-tools-8
     sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clangd clangd /usr/bin/clangd-8 100

    Check out https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clangd/Installation.html for more help.

  • python: pip install jedi pylint --user

  • bash: npm i -g bash-language-server

    • May encounter permission issue due to WSL 1.
  • LaTeX: vimtex is needed. Already in .vimrc.

  • text: language tool. check https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool


  • Ctrl-j: move to the next anchor.

  • Ctrl-k: move to the previous anchor.

  • gd: goto definition.

  • gr: show all usage (reference).

  • <leader>k: show document.

vim surround

vim ctrlp

  • fuzzy file search.

  • Ctrl-p to search.

  • C-f and C-b to toggle search target.

  • C-r to toggle regex.

  • <leader> to search function definition.

Other custom commands

"Leader" is set to '\'.

  • <leader><space>: noh & pclose.

  • <leader>p: toggle paste mode.

    • Notice that when paste is on, all the mapping in insert mode will be temporary disabled.
  • <leader>bt: toggle buffer explorer window. (Added by bufexplorer.)


  • [insert mode] ctrl + : map to ctrl + O. For quick commands in insert mode.


  • :SS is alias to syntax sync fromstart since syntax highlighting is a little bit funky with folding.

F6 execute command

  • F6 to execute command in current line with current shell.

F9 compile

  • c/cpp: save the file and compile with gcc/g++
  • LaTeX: save the file and compile with xelatex


  • The ctrlp fuzzy file search.