
A simple FIFO wrapper.

Primary LanguagePython

A simple FIFO wrapper

It implements a blocking reading, and a blocking writing with optional timeout.

It requires a path to a fifo to initilize. The fifo doesn't need to be there, the class will create it when initilized.

Notice that fifos are strictly uni-directional.



from simplefifo.fifomanager import FIFOManager

Open for read:

fm = FIFOManager('fifofile1', 'r')

Open for write:

fm = FIFOManager('fifofile1', 'w')

Notice that this only initilize the instance. It won't open the fifo.

Read from fifo

Call read() function. It will be blocked until the writer closes the fifo.

read_string = fm.read()

To listen to the fifo continuously, you can add a while true loop around it:

while True:
	read_string = fm.read()

Write to fifo

Call write() function. It will block until it has a reader.

fm.write('some string')

You might want to add a timeout.

The function will return after timeout seconds, and it will abort its pending writing.

For example, adding a 5 seconds timeout.

fm.write('some string', 5)