
Python3 code and data for the paper "A Deep Learning Model for Predicting Next-Generation Sequencing Depth from DNA Sequence".

Each of the three compressed folders ("", "" and "") contains a seperate copy of the python code of our deep learning model, as well as the corresponding dataset for training and validation (NGS human SNP panel, NGS synthetic panel and DNA strand displacement/hybridization). For details about running the code and interpreting the results, please refer to the "README.txt" inside each folder.

We also provide the raw fluorescence data for calculating kinetics rate constants, the raw NGS data, and the NGS data analysis code at


GPU is required. operating systems: tested on Windows10 and Amazon Linux 25.0 python (tested with version 3.7.6) tensorflow (tested with version 1.15.0) docopt (tested with version 0.6.2) matplotlib (tested with version 3.2.2, for plotting results)

For the SNP panel, the training time for each epoch is roughly 10 seconds while taking less than 3 gigabytes memory of a graphics processing unit. For the other two datasets the training time is shorter.


It is recommended to use Anaconda/Miniconda to install python and all the required packages. The installation process would take a few minutes. On Linux for example:

  1. Get the latest Miniconda3 for Linux 64-bit

  2. Install Miniconda3. Please follow the default installation settings. Restart the shell after installation.

  3. Create and activate new python environment
    conda create --name tf1
    conda activate tf1

  4. Install required packages
    conda install python=3.7.6
    conda install -c conda-forge docopt=0.6.2
    conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu=1.15.0
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib=3.2.2