It Hybrid Mobile Application built using Ionic Frame Work. Its a Chat application which allow user to find and add people near them using map and chat with them.
This App is calling REST API's from the Node.js Server
- User can logined using their Facebook and Google Plus accounts.
- User can find people near them using map and can send request to them
- User can synchronize their contacts in the app and will be able to chat with their contacts.
- User will be notified when someone is online in his contacts list is near user location.
I am thankful to ngCordova developers for developing these easy to use plugin. Plugin used in this app are as following:
- Social plug-in for Facebook and Googel+ Login.
- In-app browser
- GeoLocation (used to get and watch user location)
- Contacts (used to get users contacts info)
- Toast message (used to show user messages)
- Node.js
- Cordova
- Ionic
Install NodeJS x64 distributions from its websites.
To install Cordova:
$ npm install cordova -g
To install Ionic
$ npm install ionic -g
To install In-App Browser
cordova plugin add
To install GeoLocation
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
To install Contacts
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-contacts
To install Toast
cordova plugin add
Move to the Project Directry
$cd projectDirectry
- Adding API Key (same as on Node.js Server)
- Open file restangularConfig.js and your Key here
$cd www/js/config
var auth = 'API key'; //Change the API key
- Adding Android Platform
$ionic platform add android
- Adding ios Platform
$ionic platform add ios
- Running in Browser
$ionic serve
- Running in emulator
$ionic emulate android/ios
- Deploying app in mobile connected to computer via usb cable
$ionic run android/ios
- Create applcaiton file i.e .apk,etc.
$ionic build android/ios
#License MIT