Name: Ashley Allen

A6: Consumers, Windowing, and Multiple Channels

Design and Implement a producer for the Smart Smoker App

Before You Begin

  1. Fork this starter repo into your GitHub.
  2. Clone your repo down to your machine.
  3. View / Command Palette - then Python: Select Interpreter
  4. Select your conda environment.

How to run this program:

Files ton hat needs to be used:

Check your host to ensure you are using "localhost" Determine if you would like to have the RabbitMQ website prompt you to open.

There are 4 columns in this csv file Time = Date-time stamp for the sensor reading Channel1 = Smoker Temp Channel2 = Food A Temp Channe3 = Food B Temp Assignment - Smart Smoker

Using a Barbeque Smoker

When running a barbeque smoker, we monitor the temperatures of the smoker and the food to ensure everything turns out tasty. Over long cooks, the following events can happen:

The smoker temperature can suddenly decline.


We have temperature sensors track temperatures and record them to generate a history of both (a) the smoker and (b) the food over time. These readings are an example of time-series data, and are considered streaming data or data in motion.

Streaming Data

Our thermometer records three temperatures every thirty seconds (two readings every minute). The three temperatures are:

the temperature of the smoker itself. the temperature of the first of two foods, Food A. the temperature for the second of two foods, Food B. Significant Events

We want know if:

The smoker temperature decreases by more than 15 degrees F in 2.5 minutes (smoker alert!) Any food temperature changes less than 1 degree F in 10 minutes

Smart System


Simulate a streaming series of temperature readings from our smart smoker and two foods. Create a producer to send these temperature readings to RabbitMQ. Create three consumer processes, each one monitoring one of the temperature streams. Perform calculations to determine if a significant event has occurred.

##Consumer Requirements The smoker temperature decreases by more than 15 degrees F in 2.5 minutes (smoker alert!) Any food temperature changes less than 1 degree F in 10 minutes (food stall!)

Screenshot of Producer Running:


Screenshot of Consumer Running:


Screenshot of Smoker_Alert Running:


Smoke_Alert 2

Screenshot of Food A & B Consumer Running:

Food A   B Consumer