
"Rent-A-Car Management System

Primary LanguageJava

Rent-A-Car Backend

Welcome to the Rent-A-Car Backend project! This Java Spring Boot application serves as the backend for a car rental management system. It is designed to handle essential operations related to car rentals, including managing brands, models, and car listings.


The Rent-A-Car Backend project is a critical component of a larger car rental system. It provides a RESTful API for managing cars, brands, and models, making it easy for both customers and administrators to interact with the system.


  • Car Management: Add, update, delete, and view car listings.
  • Brand Management: Create, modify, and remove car brands.
  • Model Management: Handle car models, including creation, modification, and deletion.
  • Layered Architecture: The project follows a structured layered architecture, making it easy to maintain and extend.
  • Database Interaction: Utilizes Spring Data JPA for seamless database operations.


The project follows a layered architecture to maintain a clean and structured codebase. The key architectural layers include:

  • Controller: Exposes RESTful API endpoints to interact with the system.
  • Service: Contains the business logic and handles communication with the data access layer.
  • Repository: Manages interactions with the database using Spring Data JPA.
  • Model: Represents the data entities (Car, Brand, Model).

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • RESTful API
  • PostgreSQL Database (for development; you can switch to your preferred database)
  • Gradle (or Maven, depending on your preference)