
A simple script to push a local docker image and run the container in Snowpark Container Services.

This script has been designed to start testing SPCS from scratch (Snowpark Container Services) in a matter of minutes.

It creates all the necessary elements in a fresh Snowflake account so you can focus on functional aspects

What do you need?

Before running:

  • rename mysecrets_sample.py in mysecrets.py

  • Modify the AccountAdmin credentials and account name

    accountname='locator.region' # like HG792929.eu-central-1
  • Choose a password for the new SCPCS user, user name is hardcoded: test_spcs_usr, change it directly in the code if needed (line 283)

  • In main.py, add the prefix for all Snowflake Object creation (line 10):


  • In main.py, point to your yaml definition file (line 11):


  • point to the docker local image(s) name (line 12)



  • pip install - r requirements.txt

  • python main.py init

  • when enpoint is ready you can navigate to the url and login with the 'test_spcs_usr" user name and choosen password:

If you udpate your code, rebuild your docker image and run:

  • python main.py update

What the script does for you?

  • Create Egress integration

  • Create a non-admin user

  • Create a role and assign to new user

  • Allowing new role to perform service binding

  • Create a new Database to host SPCS artefacts

  • Create a new Schema

  • Create a new Stage for yaml definition

  • Create a new Image Repository

  • Create Network rule

  • Create External Access

  • Grant External Access to new role

  • Create Compute pool

  • Grant Compute pool usage to new role

  • Transfer Ownership to new user

  • Login to Docker image repo with new user

  • Modifying Yaml to include repo path

  • Create Service with yaml definition

  • Wait for endpoints to be ready

Example with Grafana image: