Morfessor is a tool for unsupervised and semi-supervised morphological segmentation
- aboSamoorGoogle
- andyrobertsHertfordshire, UK
- antagomirAcademic
- arcoderghColombia
- arne-clPotsdam
- bennokrAmsterdam
- ConstantineLignos
- daoli
- emckean@wordnik
- engintekin
- FilippoCFrance
- garfieldnateIQM Research Institute
- gartenfeldBerlin
- jiangfeng1124AWS AI Lab; MIT-CSAIL
- jodaiberSan Francisco, United States
- lcorbassonParis, France
- maxthomas
- meatonNRMA Parks and Resorts
- menzenski@payitgov
- MilesQLiMontreal, Canada
- nourniaRoshan
- oplatekhttps://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/
- oroszgy@ec-doris
- patch@shutterstock
- pkt
- psmitInscripta.io
- regexidentDaily.co
- reynoldsnlp@BYU-ODH
- srbutlerBrooklyn, NY
- srgkmMoscow of Center
- svirpioj
- tommyjtlEarth
- versusvoidKrasnodar
- vsiivola
- WainoUniversity of Helsinki
- xflr6University of Leipzig