
A simple Webhook in NodeJS used with Proximity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Proximity Webhook Example

A very simple step by step, 10 minutes demo of implementing services using webhook. Whatever user asks your Bot will be sent to your API and then after some processing it'll return the response to the bot, it can be text or even rich messages like cards!.

This simple app will help you understand

  • How to write a simple Webhhook with NodeJS quickly.
  • How to integrate it to your Virtual Assistant in Proximity.

How it works?

Custom your code

  • Clone this repo.
  • Custom your code.
  • Push the app to Heroku.


Deploy to Heroku

Link your webhook to Proximity

Go to Proximity

  • Login
  • Create your own Virtual Assistant
  • In parameters, go to Webhook tab and paste your API's URL endpoint. Example of Webhook URL : https://webhook-proximity-example.herokuapp.com/example
  • Create your first intent and some training phrases. At the bottom, check Handover to API.
  • Test it! Try your Virtual Assistant and start building it's intelligence using Webhook.
  • Enjoy!

Request body structure you get from your bot

Parameter Description
query the text message user said
text default response found in the intent
intent the name and the confidence of the intent found
intent.inputs list of the entites found
body: { "id": "",
    "timestamp": "2018-09-21T12:02:39+00:00",
    "sessionId": "BxopMtpjDl5Pfrc4",
    "user": { "platform": "web", "conversationSize": 1 },
    "lang": "fr",
    "query": "Je souhaite réserver trois chambres pour 4 personnes avec petit déjeuner",
    "text": "Nous avons un soucis avec votre réservation, réessayez ultérieurement.",
    {   "type": "plainText",
        "value": "Nous avons un soucis avec votre réservation, réessayez ultérieurement." },
    {   "name": "Reservation",
        "confidence": 0.8936457989344966,
        "inputs": { "ggwg/numberC": 3, "ggwg/numberP": 4, "formule": "f1" } },
    "posts": [],
   "endConversation": false,
   "status": { "code": 200, "errorType": "success" }

Post Data JSON structured like this:

Parameter Description
speech the text message to output
posts a list of rich messages
rich message can be either a button, link or card.
button a button will send the "value" as user message when he click on it
link the link will redirect the user either on a website, call, mail
card a card with title, image, text, and a list of buttons
  "speech" : "text to output",
  "posts" : [
    {"type" : "button","text":"click me","value":"clicked"},
    {"type" : "link","text":"click me","value":"URL | tel:PHONENUMBER | mailto:EMAIL"},
    {"type" : "card","title":"I am a card","image":"image URL","text":"some text..","buttons":[
        {"type":"button | link","text":"...","value":"..."},