
Data analysis report on a subset of US survey on workers wage

Primary LanguageR


In collaboration with Helena Bonaldi, Chiara Munari, Marco Pakler and Bruno Papa.


In this data analysis report a subset of a US survey on workers is analysed, in order to study the relation between the actual wage of people and some socio-demographic characteristics, such as the years of education, the marital status and several others. Moreover, the presence of discrimination patterns is investigated through the use of statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing applied to the linear models built over the dataset. In conclusion some behaviours outside the assumptions of the standard linear model will be noticed.


The aim of this data analysis report is to study statistically relevant patterns in a subset of a US survey on workers. In particular, the goal of this analysis is to investigate what are the socio-demographic factors that influence the workers’ wage, what is the magnitude of their influence, and how they behave and interact with other factors. Three main questions will be assessed:

  • A whether above-average looking women earn more than average looking women;
  • B whether the effect of physical appearance on the wage is the same for women and men;
  • C whether the education exerts the same effect on the wage of both black and white workers.

Then other interesting relations will be investigated, such as those arising from the extension of the city, the type of work and the membership in a union.