Simple drone application. I am not able to complete all of the requirements, though I have covered most of it.

Note: I have used ruby 2.6.5, rails 6.0.1 and postgresql for database.

Major things not covered

  • I have skipped TDD completely. But it would be my first priority if I had more time.
  • I didn't complete the view layer implementation for the warning of overlapping missions. But I already add the instance method in mission model to identify if this mission is overlapping with any other missions.
  • I wasn't able to finish the email sending feature. I have done part of it. I have created the view of show action of mission controller to use it for sending email to pilots. I have also added the ReminderMailerJob to run it as cron job, so that it could find missions that needs to be processed for sending email. But I wasn't able to finish implementing email sending feature.


  • Download and cd into the source code
  • bundle install
  • yarn
  • copy and configure database.yml from database.yml.sample in config directory.
  • rails db:migrate
  • Remove config/master.key and config/credentials.yml.enc
  • Run EDITOR=[YOUR PREFERED EDITOR NAME] rails credentials:edit - it will open the encrypted rails credentials file with a default editor. Add the following line at the end of the file:
  • Run sidekiq - to run and load sidekiq server, which will also load all cron jobs.
  • Open another terminal and run rails s to run rails server.