
Solutions to exercises in Haskell Programming from first principles

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Haskell Book Solutions

Solutions to exercises in haskell book, a fantastic resource for learning Haskell from scratch.

The project is built using stack a tool used to build Haskell projects and manage dependencies. Check out https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ for information on downloading stack. (there's also a great video tutorial here to get haskell up and running with stack).

Running code locally

After stack and ghc have been installed

  1. clone the repo, cd into the directory
  2. run stack build, this will install all the dependencies (can take a while)
  3. run stack ghci to enter a ghci repl session
  4. to load a particular module in ghci run :l /path/to/the/module.hs
  5. you can then try out the functions by typing them into the repl