
Javascript Brainfuck Interpreter and Visualizer. Built with Backbone.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brainfuck Visualizer

Brainfuck Interpreter & Visualizer in Javascript.


  • Visual indication of the operation currently executed
  • Debug mode with full control over code execution with Start, Stop, Step & Continue buttons

...and, two additional features over the original version:

  1. Load code via URL parameter bf

    • Check out this simple addition example: +>+[-<+>]
  2. Modify wordlength & memory size by appending @(wordlength:memory_size) at the end of a brainfuck program.


A few years ago, I was looking for a brainfuck visualiser for an experiment I was running and this was the best I came across. Unfortunately, by the time I looked for it again, the repository was gone. I managed to find this from a third user who had cloned it and based my derivation on it.

The original version listed the following as contributors: