
An object oriented approach to synthetic clinical data generation

Primary LanguagePython


DGen is a Python module for the generation (and degeneration) of synthetic clinical data.

It achieves this by establishing a very basic algebra of random data generators (and degenerators) and enabling the user to create more complex re-usable and "replugable" data generators via inheritance.

To an extent, the syntax and overall design of DGen was influenced by PyParsing, the Python module that enables its users to build parsers.

Just as a PyParsing parser is a model for the strings it can recognise, so is DGen, a model of patient data.

In fact, DGen ships with a very basic Person model, that represents basic data most commonly encountered in epidemiology. DGen users can extend this Person to create more complex participants with data representing their Book Of Life events.


This quickstart covers the two basic packages of DGen:

  1. Data Generators
  2. Data Perturbators

Data generation

To create a fictional postcode variable that conforms loosely to the UK standard of postcodes:

from DGen.datagenerator import *

postCode = revRegexGenerator("[A-Z][A-Z][1-9][1-9][A-Z][A-Z]").setVarName("Postcode")

Note at this point, postCode is NOT the instance of a postcode but rather, a model for postcodes that are composed of 2 letters 2 numbers 2 letters.

To obtain an instance of the model, the model is simply called (postCode()).

Other generators

At the moment, the following generators have been defined:

  • optionGenerator

    • P = optionGenerator(["Male", "Female"]) # Generates strings Male, Female with equal probabilities
    • P = optionGenerator([(0.1,"Male"),(0.9,"Female")]) # Attaches a discrete probability to each event
  • condProbOptionGenerator

    • P = condProbOptionGenerator({"Male":"Victor", "Female":"Victoria"}) #Given the gender, generate a name
      • Note, the specific mechanics of this generator will become apparent further below
  • archivedOptionGenerator

    • Exactly like an optionGenerator but reads options from an archive.
  • revRegexGenerator

    • P = revRegexGenerator("[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]") # Generates a random 6-digit number in hex
    • Note: Reverse Regular Expressions provided by the excellent Python module rstr.
  • uidGenerator

    • P = uidGenerator() # Generates universal identifiers
    • Note: Essentially a repackaging of the excellent uuid module.
  • seqGenerator

    • P = seqGenerator("ABCD*EFG", maxNum=8) # Generates a sequence or length 8 given an iterable of options
  • dateGenerator

    • P = dateGenerator(datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.timeinterval(weeks=4), datetime.datetime.now()) # Generates a date within the last four weeks

Combining generators

All of the above generators can also be combined with each other, either as parameters to other generators or through the use of operator overloading.

For example:

P = optionGenerator([optionGenerator(["A","B"]), revRegexGenerator("[0-9][0-9]")])

P is now a model which will generate either (A or B) or a number between 0-99.

To generate the cartesian product between sets U = {"Male", "Female"} and V = {"Prostate", "Pregnant"} with specific probabilities, we might define something like:

P = optionGenerator(["Male","Female"]).setVarName("Gender")
Q = optionGenerator(["Prostate", "Pregnant"]).setVarName("Condition")
K = (P * Q).setVarName("GenderCondition")

K is now a model, a composite data generator, that was created through the multiplication operator. It will generate all possible combinations with equal chances, so: ("MaleProstate", "MalePregnant", "FemaleProstate", "FemalePregnant"). There are 4 events and therefore 0.25 probability assigned to each. The probabilities can be altered by using the tuple syntax of optionGenerator's constructor.

Obviously, persons of a male gender at birth are more likely to suffer from a prostate related condition and similarly, persons of a female gender at birth are more likely to become pregnant.

To represent this properly, we need a conditional generator, like this:

P = optionGenerator(["Male","Female"]).setVarName("Gender")
Q = condProbOptionGenerator({"Male":optionGenerator("Prostate", "Hairloss"), "Female":optionGenerator("Pregnant", "Menustration")})
K = (Q | P).setVarName("GenderCondition")

K is now a model that represents the conditional probability of Q given P.

In this case, the final generator creates the eventualities: ("MaleProstate", "MaleHairloss", "FemalePregnancy", "FemaleMenstruation")

The difference between the cartesian product and conditional probability generator options is that between a Klique and a Tree.

Finally, data generators can be *XORed" together:

P = optionGenerator(["Alpha", "Beta"])
Q = optionGenerator(["Gamma", "Delta"])
K = (P^Q).setVarName("Combined")

K is now a model that creates the eventualities of P XOR Q or more generally, P1 XOR P2 XOR P3 . . . Pn.

Data degeneration

Similarly to the above examples, let's create a fictional postcode variable that suffers from punctuation errors:

from DGen.datagenerator import *
from DGen.dataperturbator import *

postCode = revRegexGenerator("[A-Z][A-Z][1-9][1-9][A-Z][A-Z]").setVarName("Postcode")
postCodeDemon = punctuationPerturbator(prob = 0.8)

P = postCode()
Q = postCodeDemon(P)

In the above example, P is a pristine instance of a postcode but Q is a perturbed version of P suffering a punctuation error.

The common element of all perturbators is a probability of occurence parameter which determines how often is the error supposed to appear. In this example, prob = 0.8 which means that in 100 generated instances of postCode, 80% of them would appear to suffer a punctuation error.

For more information on the specific data perturbation scenarios modeled by DGen, please see Linking Data for Health Services Research: A Framework and Instructional Guide.

Other degenerators

At the moment, the following degenerators have been defined:

  • subsPerturbator

    • P = subsPerturbator([("Avenue", "Avn"),("Robert", "Bob"),("William", "Bill")]) #When triggered, substitutes (from,to)
  • prefixPerturbator

    • P = prefixPerturbator(["Mr", "Sir", "Dr", "Baron"]) #When triggered, adds one of the prefixes to its output
  • suffixPerturbator

    • Self explanatory, given the operation of prefixPerturbator
  • missingDataPerturbator

    • P = missingDataPerturbator("-") #When triggered, outputs a predefined missing data symbol to its output.

Creating more complex data generators

To create more complex data geneartors, one generally derives from randomDataGenerator, the abstract class that defines all behaviour expected by a data generator. However, it is up to the user of DGen to further refine the algebra of derived randomDataGenerators.

A very simple example of this is the Person class, available from epi and a more extensive example of how DGen can be used to piece together more complex generators is available in the examples/ folder.

Where to go from here

The module is extensively documented in doc/, including a draft TODO list.