
Finite Element Embedded Library in C++

Feel++ is a unified C++ implementation of Galerkin methods (finite and spectral element methods) in 1D, 2D and 3D to solve partial differential equations.

Feel++ is

  1. a versatile mathematical kernel solving easily problems using different techniques thus allowing testing and comparing methods, e.g. cG versus dG.

  2. a small and manageable library which nevertheless encompasses a wide range of numerical methods and techniques and in particular reduced order methods such as the reduced basis method.

  3. a software that follows closely the mathematical abstractions associated with partial differential equations (PDE) and in particular the finite element mathematical framework and variational formulations.

  4. a library that offers solving strategies that scales up to thousands and even tens of thousands of cores.

  5. a library entirely in C++ allowing to create C++ complex and typically non-linear multi-physics applications currently in industry, physics and health-care.

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