
This repo contains the course syllabus of CSE482 - Internet and Web Technology Summer'19.

Primary LanguageHTML


CSE482L: Internet and Web Technology Summer'19

Faculty Member: Dr. M. Arifur Rahman (MAh1)

Lab Instructor: Asif Ahmed Neloy

Office Room: TBA

Email: asif.neloy@northsouth.edu

Office Hours:

Monday (M)- 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Wednesday (W) - 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Class Hours:

Sunday (S) - 2:40 pm - 5:50 pm

Classroom: LIB605


Piazza Access Code: You know where to find out 👊 😜
Piazza Link

Course Description:

To introduce a student with the modern web development techniques in order to develop state-of-the-art web applications and that can be scalable with ease. The course provides a comprehensive overview of both front-end and back-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL. Upon completing the course, a learner will have a concise understanding of server- side and client-side programming knowledge.

Mark Distribution:

Class Attendance: 10%
Lab Assessment: 10%
*Project: 20%
Quiz (two): 10%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Final: 30%

The marks distribution may change according to the discretion of the instructor.

Tentative Class Schedule:

Week Lab syllabus Date
Week 1 Lab1 Introduction to HTML 16.06.2019
Week 2 Lab2 Introduction to CSS 23.06.2019
Week3 Lab3 Basic JavaScript + Checkpoint 1 30.06.2019
Week4 Lab4 JavaScript Details+ Checkpoint 2 7.07.2019
Week5 Lab5 Introduction to PHP + Mid 14.07.2019
Week6 Lab6 Database Handling + Checkpoint 3 21.07.2019
Week8 Lab8 Basic Ajax and XML+ Checkpoint 4 28.07.2019
Week9 Lab9 Ajax Live Search and Rest Service 4.08.2019
Week10 Lab10 Final 11.08.2019

Class Attendance:

Attendance is mandatory for lab classes. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class. If you enter the class 10 minutes late, you will get a late attendance. If you come to the class 30 minutes late you will be considered as absent. Two late attendances equal to one absent.

Exams and Quizzes:

Exams and quizzes will be closed book and closed notes. No electronic devices except non-programmable calculators will be allowed during exams. Calculators cannot be shared with friends. Nobody will be allowed to go outside the exam hall. There will be no makeup quizzes.

Course Description:

To introduce a student with the modern web development techniques in order to develop state-of-the-art web applications and that can be scalable with ease. The course provides a comprehensive overview of both front-end and back-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL. Upon completing the course, a learner will have a concise understanding of server- side and client-side programming knowledge.

Lab Report:

You have to submit Lab reports at the beginning of the class when it is due. If you miss this deadline, your points will be reduced by 40% for next day submission. If you miss the next day’s deadline, your will get zero credit for that Lab report. All the Lab reports should be done and submitted individually. You may take guidance from your friend but are not allowed to copy lab reports especially the discussion part.

Class Etiquette:

Distracting others in lab class is violating others rights to be attentive. So, laptop or cell phones cannot be turned on during class time. Group discussion is encouraged and personal discussion is discouraged during class time.

General Course Administration:

I’ll provide the lab manual and you’ll have to complete the given tasks during the class time. Last 30 minutes of the class is fixed for checking and grading. I’ll explain the problems at the beginning of the class and you can ask me at any point of the class, if you need any additional information.

Academic Honesty:

Any means of unauthorized assistance in preparing materials which a student submits as original work is deemed to be cheating. Any kind of cheating or plagiarism will make your obtained marks zero for that report, assignment, quiz or exam. Both who copied and who let others copy will be treated as same, meaning both will get zero for that report, assignment, quiz or exam.


Homework 1 Update Git repo with HTML and CSS section 30.06.2019
Homework 2 Upload Homework1 screenshots and Task_2 30.06.2019
Homework 3 Read the Lab_3.pdf, I might give a task from this pdf in Lab4 and follow Task_3.pdf to complete the Task that is provided 07.07.2019


  1. For lab 2, create a seperate Folder named "Lecture 2", update the "readme.md" file according to the content provided in the Task_2.pdf.

  2. For Task 3, Follow the procdure I instructed in the last class to complete the previous Task 2


The purpose of the Project Plan is to document all managerial aspects of a project that are required to execute it successfully within its constraints. If some aspects are defined in separate plans (e.g. Quality Assurance Plan, Configuration Management Plan, Risk Management Plan, Project Schedule), the Project Plan should refer to these documents.

Github Instructions

  1. Github Basic Guide.
  2. Github for beginners .
  3. Starter Information .
  4. Upgrading to pro .
  5. Adding Contributors (asif.neloy@northsouth.edu) .
  6. Git CheatSheet .