The Elevio Article Viewer is a CLI tool for visualizing articles using the Elevio API.
currently, this means viewing articles by:
- Paginating all articles on your account
- Searching all articles by keyword
- Viewing single articles with more information by id
Those three use cases are supported on this tool, if you have valid Authentication.
To run this application, you will need a TOKEN and a API_KEY, both can be generated for your account by logging into elevio, opening the Setup menu and selecting API Keys.
There you can generate a new API_KEY and TOKEN, a read-only key should suffice.
If you don't want to install elixir or mix you can use a docker image to run the application, to do this, open a terminal on the repository folder and run:
docker build . -t elevio
# Display article with ID 1
docker run -e API_KEY=$API_KEY -e TOKEN=$TOKEN -it elevio --id 1
# Paginate articles with keyword 'other' and language 'en'
docker run -e API_KEY=$API_KEY -e TOKEN=$TOKEN -it elevio --keyword other --language en
# Paginate all articles
docker run -e API_KEY=$API_KEY -e TOKEN=$TOKEN -it elevio --all
First, you should have mix and elixir installed on your machine and on your path, after that open a terminal in the repository folder and run:
mix deps.get
# You should have a 'elevio' binary on the working directory after this command
# Display article with ID 1
./elevio --id 1
# Paginate articles with keyword 'other' and language 'en'
./elevio --keyword other --language en
# Paginate all articles
./elevio --all
# You can optionally install the script, note that you need to
# put mix escripts on PATH to run this anywhere.
mix escript.install
Paginating all articles should give you a terminal interface like this:
Paginating all articles
Displaying page 1 out of 2
Title: gregr
Id: 1
Status: published
Title: Need a hand?
Id: 2
Status: published
Title: My testing article
Id: 3
Status: published
Title: Another testing article
Id: 4
Status: published
e: exit,
g page: goto new page
There you can navigate a little using the query you entered.