
A cool multi purpose discord bot with commands for Fun, Moderation, Utility, Economy, Image and Games also with administrator only commands ! (Currently listed on top.gg)

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A cool multi purpose discord bot with commands for Fun, Moderation, Utility, Economy, Image and Games also with administrator only commands !!

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Name Description Usage Example
GiveRole Give a role to the specified user !giverole [Mention or ID ][role] !giverole @Akuver Verified
RemoveRole Remove a role from the specified user !removerole [Mention or ID ][role] !removerole @Akuver Verified
Ban Bans a user from the server !ban [Mention or ID] !ban @Akuver
Kick Kicks a user from the server !kick [Mention or ID] !kick @Akvuer
Mute Mutes a user in the server !mute [Mention or ID][reason] !mute @Akuver spamming
Unmute Unmutes a user in the server !unmute [Mention or ID ] !unmute @Akuver


Name Description Usage Example
8ball Bot answers the question you ask for !8ball [Question] !8ball Am I cool ?
booyah Replies with Tight Tight! !booyah !booyah
Coinflip Flips a coin for you !coinflip !coinflip
Joke Tells you a joke !joke !joke
Simprate Gets the simprate of the provided user !simprate [user] !simprate @Akuver


Name Description Usage Example
Help Gives the list of all of bot's commands !help !help
Leave Leaves the server !leave !leave
QR Sends QR code for the link provided !qr [Link] !qr https://www.google.com
Schedule Schedules a message !schedule [Channel Tag][yyyy/mm/dd] [HH:MM][am or pm] [Timezone] !schedule 2021/05/01 5:30 PM Asia/Kolkata
Slow Sets the slowmode duration for a channel !slow [DURATION(s)][reason] !slow 15 COOLDOWN
Ticket Issue a ticket for the issue you are facing !ticket [ISSUE] !ticket Bot not working


Name Description Usage Example
Avatar Sends the avatar of the mentioned user !avatar [Mention or ID(optional)] !avatar @Akuver
ServerIcon Sends the servericon !servericon !servericon
Affect Send the user's avatar in affect my baby meme !affect [user] !affect @Akuver
Stonk Send the user's avatar in stonks meme !stonk [user] !stonk @Akuver
Slap Slaps the user !slap [user] !slap @Akuver
Wanted Put the user in the wanted meme !wanted [user] !wanted @Akuver
Trash Send the user's avatar in trash meme !trash [user] !trash @Akuver
Meme Make a meme, using a variety of templates !meme [template][top_text] - [Bottom_Text] !meme office Top - Bottom
MemeTemplates Get a list of all meme templates !memetemp !memetemp


Name Description Usage Example
Balance Returns the balance of the user. !bal [Mention or ID(optional)] !bal @Akuver
Leaderboard Displays the leaderboard (Top x) !leaderboard [x(Max 10)(optional)] !leaderboard 5
Transfer Transfers currency to mentioned user !transfer [Currency][mention or id] !transfer 500 @Akuver
Roulette Play Roulette! !roulette [Color][amount] !roulette blue 1000
Profile Displays the inventory of the user. !profile [Mention or ID(optional)] !profile @Akuver
Buy Buy something from the store! !buy [item] !buy [mansion]
Sell Sell an item from your collection! !sell [item] !sell [JetSki]
Slots Play Slots! !slots [amount] !slots 1000
Store Lists the items in store! !store !store


Name Description Usage Example
Botinfo Gives the information of the bot !botinfo !botinfo
Userinfo Gives the information of the user which is mentioned or provided ID !userinfo [Mention or ID] !userinfo @Akuver
Ping Gives the latency and API latency of the bot !ping !ping
Weather Provides information about the weather of mentioned place !weather [CITY] !weather New York
Dictionary Gives the meaning of the provided word or phrase !dictionary [WORD or PHRASE] !dictionary hello


Name Description Usage Example
SetLeave Sets the leave-logs channel for the server !setleave [Channel Tag] !setleave #leave
SetPoll Sets the poll channel for the server !setpoll [Channel Tag] !setpoll #polls
SetPrefix Sets the prefix for the bot !setprefix [Channel Tag] !setprefix !
SetRole Sets the role-claim channel for the server !setrole [Channel Tag] !setrole #roles
SetRule Sets the rules-and-info channel for the server !setrule [Channel Tag] !setrule #rules
SetTicket Sets the ticket channel for the server !setticket [Channel Tag] !setticket #ticket
SetWelcome Sets the welcome channel for the server !setwelcome [Channel Tag] !setwelcome #welcome
SetLevel Sets the level-logs channel for the server !setlevel [Channel Tag] !setlevel #level


Name Description Usage Example
SimJoin Simulates a join event !simjoin !simjoin
SimLeave Simulates a leave event !simleave !simleave


Name Description Usage Example
Tictactoe Play Tic-tac-toe with the mentioned user !ttt [Mention or ID] !ttt @Akuver
AmongUsCategory Sets a category for Among Us voice channel. !aucatset [Category Name] !aucatset hola
AmongUs Makes it easier to play among us with friends. !au [Region][code] !au US 223344


Name Description Usage Example
ClearQueue Clears the music queue! !clearqueue !clearqueue
Filter Apply a filter to the music! !filter [Filter Name] !filter 8D
Filters Get a list of all filters! !filters !filters
Loop Enable/Disable repeat of current song/queue! !loop [queue/song] !loop song
NowPlaying See music in progress !nowplaying !nowplaying
Pause Pause the music! !pause !pause
Play Play the mentioned song/music! !play [name/URL] !play Hymn for the weekend
Queue See the next songs !queue !queue
Resume Resume music! !resume !resume
Search Open a panel to choose a music and then play it !search [name/URL] !search Hymn for the weekend
Shuffle Shuffle the queue !shuffle !shuffle
Skip Skip the current song !skip !skip
Stop Stop all music! !stop !stop
Volume Set the volume! !volume [1-100] !volume 75