Reinforcement learning of driving a racing car in TORCS using DDPG algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


This code is a fork of https://github.com/xianhong/DDPG-TORCS I have updated a few lines here and there to run it with the updated Keras and Tensorflow. Please check Environment Setup for more info.

Using Keras and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient to play TORCS

DDPG algorithm codes are based on Github repository : https://github.com/yanpanlau/DDPG-Keras-Torcs DDPG algorithm codes are modified to be compatible with Pyhton/TF/Keras version as mentioned in 'Environment setup'. Minor changes to hyper parameters of the original DDPG codes to reduce computation complexity.

The 'torcs.mp4' file is a video clip capturing a sample racing drive on TORCS after the model having been trained for more than 310K steps.

Environment setup:

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Python 3.5
  • Keras 2.2.4
  • Tensorflow 1.13.1
  • Installation of Visual TORCS for RL learning with color vision 'vtorcs-RL-color' as listed in "Gym-torcs" project (https://github.com/ugo-nama-kun/gym_torcs)
  • Installation of software packages of 'mencoder' (for stiching together sequence of PNG files captured by TORCS to a MPEG4 video) and 'xautomation' on Ubuntu.
  • Setting TORCS' config/raceengine.xml file to enable video frame capturing (Press 'c' to start/stop video frame capturing)

How to Use?

  • Training : run 'python ddpg.py'
  • Testing : run 'python ddpg_test.py' (requiring the Actor network model being saved first!)