Simple Rails app to enroll students with their own repository in a GitHub organization.
This application uses OmniAuth to handle authentication using different strategies. Adding more strategies is possible (List of strategies), but this app uses GitHub and Google. To use them you must generate an OAuth2 application ID and secret in each service:
Register your new application here. Then, place your Client ID and Client Secret as environment variables (GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
) to be loaded in out secrets.yml
file. Go to omniauth-github gem repo.
Get your API key here and save your Client ID and Client Secret as environment variables (GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
) to be loaded in out secrets.yml
file. Go to omniauth-google-oauth2 gem repo.
This app assumes that you are using an organization (but in you're not... just change the GitHub API urls in app/helpers/application_helper.rb
). Once an user has signed in using his Google account (only "" allowed, but you can change it) and his GitHub account, a form will appear to ask some more information and then the repository will be created. This repository will be created in your organization and will use a template repository. After that, the new member will be added as collaborator to your new repository.
You'll need a GitHub OAuth token to create repositories in your organization. Save it in your environment (GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN
All of this values are customizable, just keep reading.
What can you customize here? Using config/customizations.yml
file, you can control:
- Template: To create new repositories, this app uses a template to give our students some guidelines about their folder structure. The template must be a public repository (mine is here).
- New repositories: We use our students username in their repository, so you can add a prefix and/or a suffix to ir. Also, you can choose the description using the member fullname and customizing a prefix and a suffix. Projects, Wiki and privacy are available options too.
- Home content: This is a simple application, so just fill the title, the course description and explain the process to your future members. It will make everything easier.
In our form we use ReCaptcha, thanks to this project. Just generate a ReCaptcha Site Key and a Site Secret as explained here and save them as environment variables (RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY
- IIC2233: IIC2233 Programación Avanzada @ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. (2017-2)