
A small C-like programming language implemented in OCaml

Primary LanguageOCaml


Kazm is a C-like programming language implemented in OCaml for the Programming Languages and Translators class at Columbia University.

In addition to a basic subset of C, Kazm also supports lightweight classes, arrays, and a scoping mechanism that automatically destroys objects.

Compiling a program

The easiest way to run the Kazm compiler is using Docker and the bundled helper. First clone the repository and enter the kazm directory, then compile the included hello_world.kazm file in the Kazm Docker container:

git clone git@github.com:aapeliv/plt.git
cd kazm/
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home/kazm -w=/home/kazm aapeliv/plt ./compile.py --run hello_world.kazm

The helper can be run without the --run switch in which case the compiler will simply produce an executable but not run it.

Running all tests

cd kazm/
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home/kazm -w=/home/kazm aapeliv/plt ./test.py