aapeliv's Following
- alexxmhuang
- annivuorinen
- anvakaSeattle
- AsamK
- ayoubfoussoulEcole Polytechnique
- benjamin22-314Melbourne, Australia
- ChrisRackauckasMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- Couchers-org
- darrenvong@unmind
- fogleman@Formlabs
- ggerganov@ggml-org
- henrivuorinen
- j-hui@apple
- JakeBar@Canva
- Jfbarr
- KDMpehleBrisbane
- kthohrNew York, NY
- lucaslcode
- mattdeslArtist
- MaxVuorinenHelsinki, Finland
- mroughanUniversity of Adelaide
- olifrostLondon
- pika-pikachu
- RajDandekarMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- rhys-vdwMelbourne, Australia
- shuttle1987@scryengineering
- syncsynchaltColorado
- tylerwillOptimal Dynamics
- vidyarani-dgMelbourne
- yoninazarathyUQ, Accumulation Point, and Pumas AI