
Knowledge Project Guidelines is collection of standards, conventions and best practices to follow when developing software at knowledge.io

MIT LicenseMIT

Knowledge Project Guidelines and Best Practices

StandardJS Style Collaborative Etiquete Travis CI

This is the source code of the site knowledge.github.io/knowledge-project-guidelines.

It's a set guidelines used at Knowledge projects such as knowledgewallet.com.



  • Markdown based pages
  • Responsive Material UI Theme
  • Powerful Search Box
  • Docker based build script
  • Automated Testing with Travis CI
  • Automated Deployment with Travis CI

Getting Started

This is website is based on mkdocs and uses the mkdocs-material theme.

The recommended local installation is using docker to get all dependencies out of the box in an isolated environment.

The official Docker image for Material comes with all dependencies pre-installed and ready-to-use with the latest version published on PyPI, packaged in a very small image. Pull it with:

docker pull squidfunk/mkdocs-material

The mkdocs executable is provided as an entrypoint, serve is the default command. Start the development server in your project root with:

docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v `pwd`:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material

For convenience there's a package.json with npm start command you can use. Just make sure have Docker installed and running and that you already pulled the docker image.


Read the contributing guidelines for details.


MIT © Knowledge
See LICENSE for more info

About Knowledge

Blockchain technology is rebuilding the internet in a trustless, decentralized way, allowing for fundamental core improvements on existing business models and industries, and a new breed of dot-io powerhouse frameworks are emerging. Knowledge.io is producing an ecosystem that offers significant improvement in the areas of ad tech, commerce, education, and employment, and a supply and demand marketplace of goods and services, all based around rewarding users for what the massive and centralized supergiants utilize to make extraordinary profits - people’s data. The Knowledge.io ecosystem is built on the foundation of decentralization and rewarding people for sharing their knowledge.


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