
Practice on doing some backend Clojure. Simple skeleton of what a backend might look like.

Used lein new app practice to get a template set up

I first started working on taking in different files to display. This is in file_contents.clj and util.clj. Then I wrote some tests to verify the logic that was being done. Getting a simple server started was the next step in practicing this backend clojure, then writing a small REST API.

Some TODO items:

  • more/better validation
  • more meaningful tests or testing the api


# run test when developing
lein test

To use the CLI lein run filename sort-mode

# open pipes.txt file and sorted by email (descending). Then by last name ascending.
lein run ./records/pipes.txt 1

# open commas.csv file and sorted by birth date, ascending.
lein run ./records/commas.csv 2

# open spaces.txt file and sorted by last name, descending.
lein run ./records/spaces.txt 3

Use lein run server to start the server.

# Test the API
## returns records sorted by email
curl http:/
## To check for values in a certain file (commas.csv, spaces.txt, pipes.txt)
curl http:/\?file\=./records/commas.csv

## returns records sorted by birthdate
curl http:/
## To check for values in a certain file (commas.csv, spaces.txt, pipes.txt)
curl http:/\?file\=./records/spaces.txt

## returns records sorted by last name
curl http:/
## To check for values in a certain file (commas.csv, spaces.txt, pipes.txt)
curl http:/\?file\=./records/pipes.txt

## POST a new line in the spaces.txt file
curl -d 'new-line=lastName firstName email favoriteColor 2/2/2000' http:/
## POST a new line in the commas.csv file
curl -d 'new-line=lastName firstName, email, favoriteColor, 2/2/2000' http:/
## POST a new line in the pipes.txt file
curl -d 'new-line=lastName firstName | email | favoriteColor | 2/2/2000' http:/