Celery with Django


This project is just to demonstrate how celery can be integrated with django project to call task asynchronously as well as synchronously if required. Tasks can also be executed on schedule as well as periodically.

Learning points

  • Celery configuration
  • Write celery task in django app
  • Call task asynchronously
  • Execute task periodically

Installation Steps

Step 1 - Install python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2 - Migrate database

python manage.py migrate

Step 3 - Run celery worker to receive tasks and execute

celery -A celery_demo worker -l info -Q celery,high

Step 4 - Run celery beat for sending task periodically to workers

celery -A celery_demo beat

Step 5 - Run command line events monitor

celery -A celery_demo events

Step 6 - Monitor celery tasks and workers using flower third party web tool

  • pip install flower
  • celery -A celery_demo flower

Now go to browser and access flower real time monitoring web tool by using following url http://localhost:5555