Simple examples combining multiple packages provided by the aardvark platform. Each platform repository comes with separate examples -- here we collect overarching examples using for example aardvark.rendering and aardvark.media.
- andreaswatch
- aszabo314VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH
- BillHally
- braseSoftwareONE
- Dersei
- eemailme
- gnufu
- haraldsteinlechnerVienna, Austria
- humeraaaUniversity of Karachi
- hyazinthh
- jackfoxyFoxy Labs
- jhcloos
- JimmyLaessigWien
- jskripskyZurich, Switzerland
- krauthaufen@vrvis @aardworx
- luithefirstVRVis Research Center
- realvictorprmVPR Mueller Software Solutions
- stefanmaierhofer
- WalchAndreas