Electron app built with React and using the NetStorageKit-Node package to ping Akamai netstorage APIs.
- download repository
- run "npm install"
- Modify /node_modules/netstorageapi/lib/api-request.js. Add "res.setEncoding('binary');" line 43 (remove double quotes) Replace line 61 or 62 from "fs.writeFileSync(local_destination, rawData)"" by "fs.writeFileSync(local_destination, rawData, 'binary')" (remove double quotes)
- run "npm start"
This will spin up the electron app in dev mode. Access the devtools by pressing F12.
Packages: React react-dropzone (dropzone) react-skylight (modal overlay) NetStorageKit-Node (NS API wrapper) electron-config (electron config persistence between app reboots) Babel (ES6 support including import keywords)