
A 2D strategy game inspired by Microsoft's space combat game: Allegiance

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A 2D singleplayer strategy game inspired by Microsoft's 3D multiplayer space combat game: Allegiance. Created for fun and to experiment with Commander AI & other game ideas.

Thanks to the Free Allegiance community: http://www.freeallegiance.org/

Screenshots   Video   Controls   Credits


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(Corvette, Support, Frigate, Destroyer, Adv Support, Cruiser, Devastator, Hvy Support, Battleship, Battlecruiser)


Main Menu

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Explore the map

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  • Discover wormholes to other sectors
  • Find the enemy's bases and their miners

Defend your miners & constructors

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  • Miners collect resources from Helium asteroids:

Build bases & expand

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  • Outpost, Starbase and Shipyard constructors require Standard asteroids:
  • Supremacy constructors require Carbon asteroids:
  • Tactical constructors require Silicon asteroids:
  • Expansion constructors require Uranium asteroids:
  • Resource constructors require Helium asteroids.
  • Tower constructors require No asteroids.

Recruit more pilots

  • Outposts add 5 pilots to your team
  • Starbases add 10!

Keep track of your pilots

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  • Filter the Pilot List window to keep track of your pilots, miners, constructors and capital ships

Upgrade your tech & battle the enemy

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Customise the Game

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Allegiance Forms Gameplay




Key Description
Left Click & Drag Selects units and bases.
Double Click Select all units of the same type in sector.
Shift Hold to add units/bases to the current selection.

General Commands

Key Description
Control+(0-9) Set sector preset 0-9.
Shift+(0-9) View sector preset 0-9.
Space Switch between the sector of the last alert.
F3 Show/Hide the Minimap window.
F5 Show/Hide the Research/Construction window.
F6 Show/Hide the Pilot List window.
F12 Show/Hide the AI Debug window.
` Show/Hide the Quick Command menu.
Pause, Escape Pause/Resume the game and close all menus.

Base Commands

Key Description
Right Click Sets a new Default rally location for this base.
S Launch a Scout.
F Launch a Fighter.
I Launch an Interceptor.
B Launch a Bomber.
G Launch a Gunship.
T Launch a Stealth Fighter.
O Launch a Steath Bomber.
X Launch a Fighter Bomber.
P Launch a Troop Transport.

Ship Commands

Key Description
Right Click Orders the selected unit(s) to Attack Move/Dock/Capture.
Shift Hold to queue up additional orders.
Control Hold to see the scan range of the selected ships.
A Orders the selected unit(s) to Attack Move.
S Orders the selected unit(s) to Stop.
D Orders the selected unit(s) to Dock at the nearest friendly base.
R Orders the selected unit(s) to repeatedly Patrol between these positions.
E Orders the selected miners(s) to Mine around this position.
B Orders a selected constructor to Build near this position.
C Orders a selected troop transport to Capture an enemy base.
1-7 Activate this ability for all selected ships, if available.


Ship Abilities

Most combat ships have powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle!

As a base line, these abilities last 5s, and have a 30s cooldown.

Ability Details

Key Ability Description
1 Boost Engines Increase ship speed by 50%.
2 Boost Shields Restore up to 50% shield immediately.
3 Repair Hull Repair hull damage by 10% per second.
4 Boost Weapons Increase all weapon damage by 50%.
5 Rapid Fire Double weapon fire rate by 50%.
6 Boost Scan Increase scan range by 50%.
7 Boost Stealth Decrease signature by 33%.

Ability Upgrades

These abilities can be improved with upgrades:

Building Ability Upgrade
Supremacy Ability Duration +10%, +20%, +30%
Expansion Ability Cooldown -10%, -20%, -30%
Tactical Ability Effect +10%, +20%, +30%
Upgraded Starbase Unlock the Engine Boost, Shield Boost, Repair Hull, Weapon Boost or Rapid Fire abilties for all ships!

Note: The Ability Effect upgrade does not improve the Rapid Fire or Repair Hull abilities...

Default Ship Abilities

Ship Default Abilities
Scouts Boost Scan
Advanced Scouts Boost Scan, Rapid Fire
Heavy Scouts Boost Scan, Rapid Fire, Boost Shields
Gunships Rapid Fire, Boost Shields
Heavy Gunships Rapid Fire, Boost Shields, Repair Hull
Interceptors Boost Engines
Heavy Interceptors Boost Engines, Rapid Fire
Enhanced Fighters Boost Weapons
Advanced Fighters Boost Weapons, Boost Shields
Stealth Fighters Boost Stealth
Advanced Stealth Fighters Boost Stealth, Boost Weapons
Bombers Boost Shields
Heavy Bombers Boost Shields, Boost Weapons
Stealth Bombers Boost Stealth
Advanced Stealth Bombers Boost Stealth, Boost Weapons
Fighter Bombers Boost Engines
Troop Transports Boost Engines
All Capital Ships Boost Engines, Boost Shields, Repair Hull, Boost Weapons, Rapid Fire


Quick Chat Commands

These voices have been imported from the original game for fun & nostalgia/practise 😆

They are immersive and can help order your pilots...

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Examples (Key Command) Pilot Order
Find enemy (`FE), Deploy probes (`CP) Scout
Head back to base. (`LB), Regroup! (`Q1) Dock
Need fighters. (`NF), Need Scouts. (`NU), Need Bombers. (`NO) Launch [Ship Type]
Go miner hunting. (`CH), Find their constructors! (`FF), etc. Hunt [Ship Type]
Attack base. (`AB), Attack bombers. (`AO), etc. Attack Base / Attack [Ship Type]
Defend base. (`DB), Defend bombers. (`DO), etc. Defend Base / Defend [Ship Type]
Wait for signal. (`CQ), Hold up. (`LU) Pause
Go Go Go! (`CG), Come along. (`QL) Resume

See: QuickChatCommands.txt for a full list of quick chats and associated orders.

Pilot Orders Description
Scout 3 scouts will explore other sectors randomly. Either from this sector, or launched from the closest base.
Dock All ships in the current sector will dock at the closest base.
Launch [Ship Type] Launch up to half your pilots in the best ship of this type, from a base in this sector, or the closest base travelling to this sector.
Hunt [Ship Type] Launch 2 scouts and up to half your pilots to attack any visible enemy ships of this type, or explore randomly looking for them.
Attack / Defend [Ship Type] Use 2 scouts and up to half your pilots to move to a friendly/enemy visible ship of this type, prefering this sector, or launched from the closest base travelling to the target sector.
Attack / Defend Base Use up to half your pilots to surround a friendly/enemy base in this sector. Either ships in this sector, or launched from the closest base travelling to this sector.



Most of these map layouts have been copied from the main game :)

Name Image Teams
AA19-Crush2 alt text 2
AA19-Destroy2 alt text 2
AA19-SpiderW2 alt text 2
Across4 alt text 2 / 4
Agate2 alt text 2
Amber2 alt text 2
Ammolite2 alt text 2
BowTie2 alt text 2
Brass2 alt text 2
Brawl2 alt text 2
Bronze2 alt text 2
Chopper2 alt text 2
Chopper3 alt text 3
Chopper4 alt text 2 / 4
Constellation2 alt text 2
Constellation4 alt text 2 / 4
Cross2 alt text 2
Cross3 alt text 3
Cross4 alt text 2 / 4
DoubleRing2 alt text 2
DoubleRing3 alt text 3
DoubleRing4 alt text 2 / 4
Glass4 alt text 2 / 4
Granite4 alt text 2 / 4
Grid2 alt text 2
HiHigher2 alt text 2
HiLo2 alt text 2
Highway4 alt text 2 / 4
Iron2 alt text 2
Lanes4 alt text 2 / 4
Lead2 alt text 2
Limited2 alt text 2
Marble2 alt text 2
Mica2 alt text 2
NerveHigh2 alt text 2
NerveHigh3 alt text 3
NerveHigh4 alt text 2 / 4
NerveLow2 alt text 2
NerveLow3 alt text 3
NerveLow4 alt text 2 / 4
Nexus2 alt text 2
Pewter2 alt text 2
PinWheel2 alt text 2
PinWheel3 alt text 3
PinWheel4 alt text 2 / 4
Polished2 alt text 2
PolishedPyrite2 alt text 2
Pyrite2 alt text 2
QuadClose2 alt text 2
QuadClose3 alt text 3
QuadClose4 alt text 2 / 4
Saber2 alt text 2
Saber4 alt text 2 / 4
Schist2 alt text 2
Serpentine2 alt text 2
Silver2 alt text 2
SingleRing2 alt text 2
SingleRing3 alt text 3
SingleRing4 alt text 2 / 4
SmallSpiral2 alt text 2
SmallSpiral3 alt text 3
SmallSpiral4 alt text 2 / 4
Spine2 alt text 2
Spine3 alt text 3
Spine4 alt text 2 / 4
Star2 alt text 2
Starflake2 alt text 2
Topaz2 alt text 2
TriClose2 alt text 2
TriClose3 alt text 3
TriClose4 alt text 2 / 4
Veil2 alt text 2
WaspNova2 alt text 2
Xenon2 alt text 2


Map Editor

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Editor Commands

Key Description
Control+Left Click Places a new sector.
Left Click Selects a sector.
W,A,S,D Moves the selected sector up/left/down/right.
Delete Removes the selected sector.
Shift+Left Click Places a wormhole between sectors.
(1-4) Toggles a starting sector for team 1-4.


Tech Tree

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Item Source
Icons Free Allegiance: http://www.freeallegiance.org/FAW/index.php/DN_minimap_icons
Original Rocks Hansjörg Malthaner: http://opengameart.org/users/varkalandar
Bubble Explosion Tião Ferreira: http://opengameart.org/users/tiao-ferreira
Sounds Microsoft's Allegiance: http://www.freeallegiance.org
Background wwwtyro: http://wwwtyro.github.io/procedural.js/space
