Currently, TinyTDS (MSSQL Adapter) needs a special buildpack on Heroku. To get around this: heroku config:add
After creating your app or setting up your existing app to use the buildpack, you need to modify the DATABASE_URL config variable to point to your sqlserver instance. We currently use a SQL Server 2008 Express edition:
heroku config:add DATABASE_URL=sqlserver://username:password@sqlserver_host:1433/database_name
Finally, we need to add the data from application.yml (our Dota2 API key and so on). Since we use Figaro (see that gem page for more info), we can simply run rake figaro:heroku, which will set all our variables on heroku. An application.sample.yml is included to show an example of what would be needed.
Recent migration to Rails 4 was a minimal effort update, meaning some things might not be best practices. Some things to evaluate:
upgraded cookie signing (secret_key_base)
Web Console…do we want it?
have our milliseconds desynched anywhere (to_json)
As we make the scheduling and tournament system more generic:
Fix: Relys on one participant_type per season
Implementing native single and double elimination tournaments:
Jquery Plugin needs tweaks (maybe cherry picks) to not hover nil teams, fix CSS class naming to not conflict with bootstrap (SUIT?), handle better inline editing callbacks
Double elimination needs to be implmented
vagrant up –provider=aws
cap production nginx:setup
cap production unicorn:setup_app_config
cap production unicorn:setup_initializer
cap production linked_files:upload_files
cap production deploy