A simple Javascript file for nicely formatting Discord webhooks
It's simple
To initialise:
const webhook = require("webhook-discord")
const Hook = new webhook.Webhook("WEBHOOK URL")
To send an info message:
Hook.info("WEBHOOK NAME","Info")
To send a warning message:
Hook.warn("WEBHOOK NAME", "Warning message")
To send an error message:
Hook.err("WEBHOOK NAME","Error")
To send a success message:
Hook.success("WEBHOOK NAME","Yay we did something right")
To send custom messages, you should make use of the MessageBuilder.
const webhook = require("webhook-discord");
const Hook = new webhook.Webhook("WEBHOOK URL");
const msg = new webhook.MessageBuilder()
.setText("This is my webhook!")
.addField("This", "is")
.addField("my", "webhook!")
.setImage("Image url")
Either use npm:
npm install webhook-discord
Or clone from source:
git clone https://github.com/JoeBanks13/webhook-discord.git