
A couple Java source files for performing latency tests with Solace JavaRTO API via IPC. Expected latencies are around 1.0us @ 200B messages.

Primary LanguageJava


These Java source files can be used to perform latency testing with the IPC-enabled Solace Java Real-Time Optimized (Java RTO) API. Note that the IPC-enabled API is not available publicly, you must purchase or request a trial licence from Solace.

The standard Java RTO API can found here: http://dev.solace.com/downloads/#apis-protocols-tools , but this one doesn't have the IPC capability unlocked... just connects to the router.

The Solace Java RTO API is a JNI-wrapped C API. It can be used both

Solace has the SdkPerf test tool in a variety of API flavours, and it can be used to perform latency testing. However, the Java one uses millisecond resolution, which is not accurate enough when performing IPC latency testing.

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