
The shopping cart checkout service

Primary LanguageJava

The checkout service

The checkout service provide the api for online shopping checkout

The service providing an api for shopping cart items price calculation.

Installing / Getting started

Env: jdk1.8 From a command line in a Terminal window you can use the java -jar command to run jar package

$ java -Dserver.port=8090  -jar checkout-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Test the api with curl in another terminal

$ curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '["001","003","001","002","001","002","003"]' http://localhost:8090/checkout


Build with maven ./mvnw ./mvn clean install


Watch catalogue Below is a catalogue of four watches and their associated prices:

Watch ID Watch Name Unit Price Discount
001 Rolex 100 3 for 200
002 Michael Kors 80 2 for 120
003 Swatch 50
004 Casio 30

There are a few requirements worth noting here: ● The first two products have a possible discount. As an example, if the user attempts to checkout three or six Rolex watches then they will receive the discount price once or twice, respectively. ● There is no limit to the number of items or combinations of watches a user can checkout. ● There is no limit to the number of times a discount can be used. ● Similarly, a user can checkout a single item if they wish


Aaron He


This project is licensed under Unlicense license. This license does not require you to take the license with you to your project.