Training Report


You can access the interactive Power BI Dashboard HERE

The report depicts quarterly, annual and overall dashboards of various training programmes.

The project first started in Tableau as I was learning how to use it while doing Google’s Data Analytics Professional Certificate. Later on I wanted to replicate it in Power BI as I took interest in this platform as well. Any further improvements and additions were made in Power BI only as my Business Intelligence platform of choice.

The dataset contains 3 tables in Excel:

Attendance contains: Course Category, Session Type, Course Start Date, Course End Date, Financial Quarter, No. of Sessions and No. of Attendees

Eventbrite Data contains: Event Name, Date Attending, Financial Quarter, Country of Residence, Profession

Feedback Data contains: Question, Quarter, Rating, No. of answers

The most important KPIs to report were:

  • the number of attendees of open-access, paid and volunteer courses
  • the number of open-access, paid and talk/conference sessions
  • the number of volunteer cohorts trained
  • the geographic distribution of attendees
  • top professions based on the % of the total attendance
  • number of bespoke sessions by month sorted by fiscal year (in this case starting in April) to identify any trends
  • rating of the sessions based on 3 specific questions asked