
This project contains the small things I've learned throughout my career that I would like to share.

Today I Learned (There are no dumb questions)

Notes I've made from stuff I've learned. This project contains the small things I've learned throughout my career that I would like to share.

I'm trying to make it more of a habit to write things here.

Inspired by @charliegerard's repo


My Local Environment



Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"


  • A plugin that runs on top of ZSH and provides themes and features.


  • An alternative to default Terminal but includes more features of its own.
  • Can run ZSH, Bash, and other shells in it.

Install iTerm2


Installing the Theme

brew tap sambadevi/powerlevel9k
brew install powerlevel9k


git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k

Run this command below to append the line: ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k" to your ~/.zshrc

echo "source /usr/local/opt/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme" >> ~/.zshrc

You then need to select this theme in your ~/.zshrc: ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k"

Install Powerline Fonts

brew install python
pip install --user powerline-status


Theme: One Dark Pro


iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Meslo powerline font + Powerlevel9k

Front End Overview

Babel Transpiles your javascript down from the latest standards to backwards compatible, browser friendly source. Used for transpiling JSX to JS.

Webpack Bundles your files into static assets that are ready for production deploy. Many extensible plugins available.

Server Side Rendering (SSR)

  1. Server sends HTML.
  2. Server renders HTML, compiles JS.
  3. Browser renders HTML and JS.
  4. Page can be used.
    • Compiles and renders JS scripts on the Server.
      • Pages are static.
      • Links and urls redirecting to other server pages are pre-populated by the static page.
    • Faster page loading if rendering frameworks (React, Vue).

Client Side Rendering (CSR)

  1. Server sends HTML.
  2. Server renders HTML, sends JS.
  3. Browser renders HTML and compiles JS.
  4. Page can be used after scripts compile.
    • Compiles and renders JS script on Client (their machine)
      • Pages are dynamic.
        • Links and urls redirecting to other server pages are reloaded every time you leave the page.
    • Slower page loading if rendering frameworks (React, Vue) unless you have a fast machine.

SSR/CSR Resource

  • Single Page Application (SPA)

  • Webpack

    • Builds (compiles all the Javascript Project Code) to be used in a browser.


  • Multi-platform tunnelling, reverse proxy software that establishes secure tunnels from a public endpoint such as internet to a locally running network service while capturing all traffic for detailed inspection and replay.



  • Run bundle install to install ruby gems and keep branches from using inconsistent gem versions.

  • Run rake db:migrate to migrate the database before you begin working.

    • This migrates all ActiveRecord database transformation when creating new ActiveRecord models.
    • Prevents merging unrecorded transformations to database schemas.
  • Filter Method

    • before_action :method_name
      • Used to halt a request cycle to a controller until the action is run.
  • API Versioning


  • A Ruby testing framework
  • Use it to test your applications
require 'rspec/autorun'

class Calculator
  def add(a,b)

RSpec.describe Calculator do
  let (:calculator) {Calculator.new}

  it "adds two numbers" do
    expect(calculator.add(2,3)).to eq(5)

  it "adds 2 & 2" do
    expect(calculator.add(2,2)).to eq(4)

RSpec.describe "an integer" do
  it "is equal to another integer of the same value" do
    expect(5).to eql(5)

  it "is not equal to another integer of a different value" do
    expect(5).not_to eql(6)

  it "is not equal to a float of the same value" do
    expect(5).not_to eql(5.0)
  • Test Error Ruby level Error
  • Test Failure Test is not passing or matching expectation

Active Record


  • shop = Shop.find(-shop number-)
  • shop.feature_ids = [-feature number-]







  • State
    • Immutable
    • Stores data in the current page in controller-view
  • Props
    • Mutable
    • Pass data and event handlers down to child class components

Functional and Class Components

  • Functional Component

    • A plain JavaScript function that accepts props as an arguments and returns a React element.
  • Class Component

    • Returns a react
  • Three Tenets of Components

    • Component Nesting

      A component can be shown inside of another

    • Component Reusability

      Components that can be easily reused through an application

    • Component Configuration

      Configure a component when it is created

  • Rules of Class Components

    • Must be a Javascript Class
    • Must extend (subclass) React.Component
    • Must define a 'render' method that returns some amount of JSX
  • Rules of State

    • Only usable with class components
    • 'State' is a JS object that contains data relevant to a component
    • Updating 'state' on a component causes the component to (almost) instantly rerender
    • State must be initialized when a component is created
  • Component Lifecycle

    • Constructor

      Initialize local state

    • Render

      Content visible on screen

    • ComponentDidMount

      Sit and wait for updates

    • ComponentDidUpdate

      Sit and wait until this component is no longer shown

    • ComponentWillUnmount
  • Hooks

    Lets you use(State) instead of creating a class to access State. Lets you add React state to function(al) components

    • useState

    This is function provided by React that lets you "hook" into React features in Function Components. It can take a primitive variable as simple as a string or a set of objects.

    > eg: const [currentItem, setCurrentItem] = useState();
    > eg: const [items, setItems] = useState([
        {id: 1, item: "hammer"},
        {id: 2, item: "screwdriver"},
        {id: 3, item: "pliers"},
        {id: 4, item: "wrench"}
  • JSX

    • “syntactic sugar for the React.createElement(component, props, …children) function”
  • Syntax

    • Property Spread Notation


Redux attempts to make state mutations predictable by imposing certain restrictions on how and when updates can happen.

Why use Redux?

  • Used to pass state between components
  • For fetching data from API & storing it (eg. redux-saga or redux-thunk)
  • For storing forms (eg. redux-form)

The Three Fundamental Principles of Redux:

  • Single source of truth
  • State is read-only
  • Changes are made with pure functions
    • Utilized by pure reducers
      • a reducer is a function which accepts two arguments (state, action)
        • state represents the current state of the application in store
        • action represents the action that triggered


Pure functions - are functions that accept an input and returns a value without modifying any data outside its scope(Side Effects).



Creating a Repository

  • Initialize a local directory as a Git repository
git init
  • Add the files in your new local repository
git add .
  • Commit your files you staged for commit
git commit -m "First commit"

Cloning a Repository

  • Navigate to the main page of the repository
  • Click clone or download
  • Copy the URL
  • Open Terminal and paste the URL in the path listed below
git clone --- insert the URL here ---


  • Is used to queue jobs that fail when a response returns an error
  • How to install Redis
  • Download redis to your source directory
  • In your shell
$ brew install redis
To run redis
$ redis-server


Stuff to add about things/projects you've worked on


  • Logging history is important to trace compiling errors


  • The .class selector selects elements with a specific class attribute.
  • To select elements with a specific class, write a period (.) character, followed by the name of the class.


  • Compass is built ontop of SASS
  • We can write maintainable code faster
  • Provides variables and functions to reuse properties

virtualenv creates a sub folder that serves as a python environment it uses the existing python global version provided in the terminal