
Take home project

Primary LanguageRuby


The following is the documentation for FIXD Social.

Table of Contents

Environment Setup

To set up the database, run this command:

rake db:setup

This will create and migrate the database and then seed it with test data.


The output of the tests are also a form of documentation for the specifications. You can run the tests like so:

rspec .



To view a user's feed:


GET /users/:id

where :id is the id of the user with the feed you want to view.


If you pass no parameters to the URL, it will fetch the first five posts for that user. The URL accepts two parameters that you can pass it: limit and offset. Limit is the number of posts you want returned and offset is nth record you want to start at. If limit is not passed, it is defaulted to 0. Likewis, if offset is not passed, it is defaulted to 5.

For example, if you want to view the third set of 10 posts (which starts at 20) for a particular user with id of 5, you would query this endpoint:

GET /users/5?limit=10&offset=20

Response format example:

  "posts": [
      "id": 325,
      "type": "Post",
      "user_id": 11,
      "title": "Incidunt amet est perferendis",
      "body": "Qui vitae tenetur. Quisquam autem fugit. Qui dolore aspernatur.",
      "comment_count": 4,
      "posted_at": "2022-10-11T23:12:13.046Z"
      "id": 326,
      "type": "PullRequestEvent",
      "user_id": 11,
      "event_id": 24508326313,
      "number": 1,
      "repo": "aarona/fixd_social",
      "action": "opened",
      "posted_at": "2022-10-11T18:38:08.000Z"
      "id": 327,
      "type": "RatingChange",
      "user_id": 10,
      "rating_threshold": 4,
      "average_rating": 4.5,
      "posted_at": "2022-10-11T01:52:27.657Z"
      "id": 328,
      "type": "CreateEvent",
      "user_id": 11,
      "event_id": 24508312792,
      "repo": "aarona/fixd_social",
      "posted_at": "2022-10-10T18:37:16.000Z"
      "id": 327,
      "type": "CommentNotification",
      "user_id": 11,
      "poster": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Deidre Kshlerin",
        "average_rating": 3
      "posted_at": "2022-10-12T02:59:17.179Z"
      "id": 326,
      "type": "PushEvent",
      "user_id": 11,
      "event_id": 24482576663,
      "commits": 1,
      "repo": "aarona/fixd_social",
      "branch": "refs/heads/master",
      "posted_at": "2022-10-09T02:26:26.000Z"

If any of the parameters sent are invalid (offset and limit must be integer values), you receive a response like this:

  "errors": [
    "An error occured"


To create a post:


POST /posts


user_id is the id of post owner.

title is the title of the post.

body is the body of the post.

All parameters are required.

Parameter format example:

  "post": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "title": "The title of the post",
    "body": "The body of the post"

Response format example:

  "post": {
    "id": 4,
    "user_id": 1,
    "title": "The title of the post",
    "body": "The body of the post",
    "posted_at": "2022-10-07T23:36:04.702Z"

If the values sent are invalid you will receive an error object as json in the response similar to this:

  "errors": [
    "User must exist",
    "Title can't be blank",
    "Body can't be blank"

To view a post:


GET /posts/:id

where :id is the id of the post you want to view.

Response format example:

  "post": {
    "id": 1,
    "user_id": 1,
    "title": "Post Title",
    "body": "Post Body",
    "posted_at": "2022-10-06T13:37:28.086Z",
    "comments": [
        "comment": {
          "id": 1,
          "user_id": 1,
          "post_id": 1,
          "message": "A comment",
          "commented_at": "2022-10-06T13:38:06.663Z"
        "user": {
          "id": 1,
          "email": "test@example.com",
          "name": "A User Name",
          "github_username": "example",
          "registered_at": "2022-10-05T23:46:38.944Z",
          "average_rating": 1

If the post doesn't exist a status of 404 will be returned and response will look like this:

  "errors": ["Record not found"]


To add a comment:


POST /comments


user_id is the id of commenter.

post_id is the id of the post bing commented on.

message is the message of the comment.

All parameters are required.

Parameter format example:

  "comment": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "post_id": 1,
    "message": "The message of the comment",

Response format example:

  "id": 1,
  "user_id": 1,
  "post_id": 1,
  "message": "The message of the comment",
  "commented_at": "2022-10-09T01:43:09.221Z"

If the values sent are invalid you will receive an error object as json in the response similar to this:

  "errors": [
    "User must exist",
    "Message can't be blank"

To remove a comment:


DELETE /comments/:id

where :id is the id of the comment you want to remove. If the comment doesn't exist a status of 404 will be returned and response will look like this:

  "errors": ["Record not found"]


To rate a user:


POST /ratings


rater_id is the id of user making the rating.

user_id is the id of usr being rated.

rating is the rating. Must be between 1 and 5 (inclusive).

All parameters are required.

Parameter format example:

  "rating": {
    "rater_id": 1,
    "user_id": 1,
    "rating": 5

Response format example:

  "rating": {
    "id": 3,
    "user_id": 2,
    "rater_id": 1,
    "rating": 5,
    "rated_at": "2022-10-09T01:57:21.647Z"

If the values sent are invalid you will receive an error object as json in the response similar to this:

  "errors": [
    "Rater must exist",
    "Rating must be greater than or equal to 1"

GitHub API

To simulate a separate process for pulling down GitHub events, I've set up a rake task to do this. The task takes one or more GitHub user names and as long as a user in the database has that GitHub user name associated with, it will attempt to process the last 90 days of events. To run the task, you can run this command:

rake github_events:import user1 [user2, user3 etc]

A quick way to add a user to the system with a github profile associated with the account is to run the following command in rails console like so:

FactoryBot.create(:user, github_username: "myusername" )

and then proceed to import the records using the rake task mentioned above.