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Preprocessor for converting .json files into .js files and making them accessible from karma test environment


    "devDependencies": {
        "karma": "~0.12.1",
        "karma-json-fixtures-preprocessor": "0.0.4"


// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
    plugins: [

    preprocessors: {
      './fixtures/**/*.json': ['json_fixtures']

    files: [
    jsonFixturesPreprocessor: {
      // strip this from the file path \ fixture name
      stripPrefix: 'test/fixtures',
      // strip this to the file path \ fixture name
      prependPrefix: 'mock/',
      // change the global fixtures variable name
      variableName: '__mocks__',
      // camelize fixture filenames (e.g 'fixtures/aa-bb_cc.json' becames __fixtures__['fixtures/aaBbCc'])
      camelizeFilenames: true,
      // transform the filename
      transformPath: function(path) {
        return path + '.js';

How it works

Preprocessor requires .json files and converts them into .js files by storing json data as javascript objects under __fixtures__ namespace.

the following file: ./fixtures/test.json

    "a": "test"

will be accessible in your test environment:

var fixture = window.__fixtures__['fixtures/test'];
fixture["a"] // => 'test'