
Higher kinded records plugin

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

hi-fi logo Hi-Fi


This is a plugin based library that facilitates using the higher-kinded data pattern with record types without adding parameters or using generics.

The plugin allows for record syntax to be used to instantiate the higher kinded version of a record, providing good ergonomics while maintaining the familiarity of constructing records the standard way.

Another benefit of this plugin over a generics based approach is that there is far less compile time overhead. Generics code is a well known culprit of slow compilation due to the strain it puts on the simplifier. The use of a plugin largely sidesteps this issue.

Getting Started

To use this library, simply add hi-fi as a package dependency and then add the following to the ghc-options stanza of your package.yaml or *.cabal file to enable the plugin:

ghc-options: -fplugin HiFi

Everything you need is exported by the HiFi module. This module can be imported either qualified or unqualified, but using an explicit import list for it is not recommended.


The special mkHKD function is used to instantiate the higher kinded data version of a record. It is used with record syntax to explicitly assign each field of the record:

data MyRecord =
    { foo :: Bool
    , bar :: Int
    , baz :: String

-- A higher kinded data version of 'MyRecord' using the 'Maybe' functor.
recordUpdate :: HKD MyRecord Maybe
recordUpdate =
  mkHKD { foo = Just True
        , bar = Nothing
        , baz = Just "new"

If a field is missing or if there is an extra field, then you will get a custom error message calling out the field by name. Likewise, if the type of a field is incorrect, the error message will contain a reference to the offending field.

If GHC is not able to infer the type of the HKD (or if you prefer to give the type explicitly) then the TypeApplications extension can be used to supply the record type as well as the functor type like so:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

hkd1 =
  (mkHKD @MyRecord)
    { foo = Just True
    , bar = Just 1
    , baz = Nothing

hkd2 =
  (mkHKD @MyRecord @Maybe)
    { foo = pure True
    , bar = pure 1
    , baz = empty


Converting to and from the higher kinded version of a record is done using the toHKD and fromHKD functions respectively. In order to use fromHKD, the HKD must be using Data.Functor.Identity as the functor parameter.

hkd :: HKD MyRecord Identity
hkd = toHKD (MyRecord { foo = True, bar = 1, baz = "..." })

record :: MyRecord
record = fromHKD hkd

The hkdSequence function allows you to turn an HKD parameterized by an Applicative effect into the base record wrapped in that effect. As the name suggests, it is analogous to the sequenceA function.

recordList :: [MyRecord]
recordList = hkdSequence $
  mkHKD { foo = [True, False]
        , bar = [1, 2, 3]
        , baz = ["..."]

Accessing Fields

The HKD type is equipped with HasField instances for each field in the base record, which means you can use the OverloadedRecordDot extension to access fields:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}

recordUpdate.foo :: Maybe Bool
recordUpdate.bar :: Maybe Int
recordUPdate.baz :: Maybe String

Use the setField function for setting field values:

modifiedRecordUpdate :: HKD MyRecord Maybe
modifiedRecordUpdate = setField @"foo" Nothing recordUpdate

Additionally, there is a lens called atField which can be used with most optics libraries.

modifiedRecordUpdate :: HKD MyRecord Maybe
modifiedRecordUpdate = recordUpdate & atField @"foo" ?~ True


A rich API for working with HKDs is provided. There are also many useful type class instances for the HKD type, such as Show, Eq, Ord, Semigroup, and Monoid.

data Person =
    { name :: String
    , age :: Int
    } deriving Show

sara :: Person
sara = MkPerson "Sara" 40

tom :: Person
tom = MkPerson "Tom" 36

update :: HKD Person Maybe
update = mkHKD {name = Just "Bob", age = Nothing}

-- Example GHCi session:
>>> hkdDistribute [sara, tom]
HKD {name = ["Sara","Tom"], age = [40,36]}

>>> hkdSequence $ hkdDistribute [sara, tom]
[ MkPerson {name = "Sara", age = 40}
, MkPerson {name = "Sara", age = 36}
, MkPerson {name = "Tom", age = 40}
, MkPerson {name = "Tom", age = 36}

>>> hkdPure @Last sara <> hkdPure tom
HKD {name = Last {getLast = Just "Tom"}, age = Last {getLast = Just 36}}

>>> hkdApplyUpdate update tom
MkPerson {name = "Bob", age = 36}

Applicative Expressions

Applicative effects are commonly applied to records using syntax such as

Foo <$> expr1
    <*> expr2
    <*> expr3

This idiom has a number of down-sides:

  • It looks bizarre to the uninitiated.
  • You must know the order of fields in the record to tell which expression is mapping to which field. It's a common mistake to get the ordering wrong, which won't be caught at compile time if the fields are of the same type.
  • The error messages resulting from missing fields or mismatched types can be verbose and confusing.

using hi-fi you can instead write applicative expressions using record syntax:

hkdSequence (mkHKD @Foo) -- type application optional in most cases
  { field1 = expr1
  , field2 = expr2
  , field3 = expr3

This is advantageous because having field assignments greatly improves the readability of the code. You also don't need to worry about putting fields in a particular order. Additionally, error messages will reference the relevant field by name.

Meta Programming Alternative

The hi-fi plugin provides a number of type classes that are able to tap into GHC's internal representation in order to work with records in ways that are not normally possible without meta programming techniques such as generics or template haskell.

As an example, let's see how hi-fi can be used to implement the FromNamedRecord and ToNamedRecord type classes from the cassava library in a record generic way.

import qualified Data.Csv as Csv
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.Functor.Const
import qualified HiFi

newtype HkdCsv record = MkHkdCsv record

instance ( HiFi.FoldFields (HiFi.WithHkdFields (HiFi.OverFieldTy Csv.FromField Identity) Identity) record Identity
         , HiFi.ToRecord record
    => Csv.FromNamedRecord (HkdCsv record) where
  parseNamedRecord m =
    let lookupField fieldName _ _ = Csv.lookup m (fromString fieldName)
     in MkHkdCsv . HiFi.fromHKD
          <$> HiFi.withInstances @(HiFi.OverFieldTy Csv.FromField Identity) lookupField

instance ( HiFi.FoldFields (HiFi.WithHkdFields (HiFi.OverFieldTy Csv.ToField Identity) Identity) record Identity
         , HiFi.FieldGetters record
    => Csv.ToNamedRecord (HkdCsv record) where
  toNamedRecord (MkHkdCsv rec) =
    let hkd = toHKD rec
        mkField fieldName getter _ =
          Const [ Csv.namedField (fromString fieldName) (getter hkd) ]
     in Csv.namedRecord . getConst
          $ HiFi.withInstances @(OverFieldTy Csv.ToField Identity) mkField

data Person =
    { name :: String
    , age :: Int
    } deriving Csv.FromNamedRecord via (HkdCsv Person)
      deriving Csv.ToNamedRecord via (HkdCsv Person)

Nested Records

It's possible to have a record as a field in another record and have the inner record promoted to its higher kinded data version along with the parent record. This is done using the NestHKD type, which is a newtype wrapper akin to Data.Functor.Identity. To avoid extraneous noise, the plugin will automatically wrap or unwrap NestHKD values, so you don't have to deal with the NestHKD constructor at the value level.

data Outer = Outer
  { foo :: NestHKD Inner
  , bar :: Bool

data Inner = Inner
  { baz :: String

hkd :: HKD Outer Maybe
hkd = mkHKD
  { foo = mkHKD
      { baz = Just "inner record"
  , bar = Nothing


  • Currently supports GHC 9.2.x, 9.4.x, and 9.6.x
  • Records must follow certain rules to be promotable to HKDs:
    • Nested records cannot result in inifinite recursion
    • Types of nested records cannot be type family applications
    • Existential type variables or constraint contexts are not allowed