
This is a daily planner web application. It will allow you to schedule your work day. The site is mainly powered by jQuery and Moment JS. The current time and date is displayed at the top of the page. Each text box is color coated based on the time of day. The current hour is displayed with a dark blue background. The upcoming hours are displayed in a lighter blue color and the hours that have passed are represented by light gray. The user can enter text into the text box area and then when the lock icon is pushed the text is saved to the local storage and the unlocked icon changes to a locked icon. Some of the challenges I faced when creating this application was making the icons change from a picture of an unlocked padlock to a locked padlock on click. I feel that this application is useful for people who want to stay organized and plan out there day. You can check out the final project here: https://aaronangle.github.io/Daily-Planner/
