
Slides for Geeks - A simple extension to slidy to make presentations quickly

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Takahashi-Slides is an extension to slidy to let geeks write presentations easily that dont look like crap.

Live demo:  http://thepivot.heroku.com

I wrote this extension after getting frustrated with Keynote.


- Each slide is a <div class="slide">
- Each slide has a background image (class = "img_background")
- 5 classes to position text.  
 - tr_quote (top right)
 - tl_quote (top left)
 - br_quote (bottom right)
 - bl_quote (bottom left)
 - c_quote (center)
- One offs for positioning can be done inline.

Create your own

- Clone the project
- find background images
- modify index.html with content

The inline content was for a talk I gave at Startup Mixology called "The Pivot" 
Startup Mixology  - http://startupmixology.techcocktail.com/2010-chicago/
Video of the talk - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O26WoN6qvfw

Takahashi Method  - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takahashi_method
slidy             - http://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2/#(1)