Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

##To view this site, simply click on the following link:

From there you can click on any of the pages, copy their URLs, and then enter them into Google's PageSpeed Insights linked here:


The goal of this project was to analyze the Critical Rendering Path of a provided portfolio page and to make optimizations that would:

  • Achieve a PageSpeed score of 90 on index.html
  • Ensure a consistent frame rate at 60fps when when scrolling in pizza.html
  • Impact content efficiency
  • Improve time to resize pizzas to less than 5ms in pizza.html

Outline of Optimizations I made

  • Re-sized images using Photoshop to better fit the layout of the page
  • Inlined critical CSS
  • Used a Javascript file with an async tag that contained all necessary Javascript files, as well as a Javascript file that would load the remaining CSS after the page was rendered, thus removing render-blocking CSS and Javascript.
  • For main.js I moved some variables and querySelectors outside their associated for-loops because it was not necessary to have them recalculated as you scroll down the page.
  • Removed the scroll event from the updatePositions function and made use of requestAnimationFrame.
  • Changed the number of pizzas that were being appended to the page.
  • Utilized Gruntjs to automate image compression, CSS and Javascript minification, and run mobile and desktop performance tests using Google PageSpeed Insights.