
Inspector Gadget gives insight into the construction, composition and monkeypatching of ruby classes, modules and methods

Primary LanguageRuby


Ever think to yourself "Where did this method get defined?" So did I. Now I include this file before my stuff boots, then I grep the output. Currently tracking class definitions (and re-definitions), module definitions, method definitions, method aliasing, dynamic constant definition (using const_set), and module inclusion. InspectorGadget should give an easily-greppable log that you can use to help you figure out where some monkey-patching or method overriding happened.


$ ruby -r inspector_gadget.rb my_file.rb

You can also use -e to try it out

$ ruby -r inspector_gadget.rb -e'class A; end; def A.pants; puts "hello"; end;'

longer example

Let's say we see in our code Dynamic::Programming.foo and Dynamic.foo being called, but we arent sure how it is all being defined. Let us also assume that we have a file, example.rb, that contains:

strings = %w{Dynamic Programming Sometimes Sucks}

# this code intentionally gross to demonstrate inspector_gadget
def ScopedClassFactoryFactory(name) 
  new_scope = Module.new 
  Kernel.const_set name, new_scope
  def new_scope.new_scoped_class(name)
    new_class = Class.new
    self.const_set(name, new_class)
    class << new_class
      def foo
        puts "huh?"

  new_scope.instance_eval do
    def foo
      puts "hoo"
  return new_scope

b = ScopedClassFactoryFactory(strings[0])
c = b.new_scoped_class(strings[1])

and we run

ruby -r inspector_gadget.rb example.rb

We will see

Added method ScopedClassFactoryFactory to Object in example.rb:3
Dynamically defined constant Dynamic in example.rb:5
Added singleton method new_scoped_class to Kernel::Dynamic in example.rb:6
Added singleton method foo to Kernel::Dynamic in example.rb:17
Dynamically defined constant Programming in example.rb:8
Added singleton method foo to Kernel::Dynamic::Programming in example.rb:10 

As you can see, the linear print-out is much easier to follow than trying to unwind the source above. This is an even greater boon when there are modules being mixed-in and extending classes and so on.

Source Code

Main repository is at http://github.com/aaronblohowiak/inspector_gadget/

Running Tests

in the inspector_gadget root folder

$ ruby test/all_tests.rb


In future versions, I would like to use the object_id to explicitly call out when methods are being overridden in classes, and to let you pass in an object and a symbol for the method name and get a useful diagram about how and where the method was defined. Even cooler would be a visualization of the declaration, aliasing and overriding of methods. Further, I would like to gemify inspector_gadget and supply a convienence script like rcov's.

Known Issues

Presently, class editing that takes the form of eval('class A; end') is not being caught. I could patch Class.inherited and listen for new classes this way, but then the issue of usable line numbering comes into play. Along with that, the file/line numbering is bypassed if alias_method has been aliased. For example:

$ ruby -r inspector_gadget.rb -e 'require "active_record"' | grep split

Will correctly identify

Added method split to ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Array::Grouping in /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/core_ext/array/grouping.rb:90

But does not have the correct line numbers after BlankSlate is introduced: Added method split to BigDecimal in /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/builder-2.1.2/lib/blankslate.rb:84 Added method split_names to Pathname in /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/builder-2.1.2/lib/blankslate.rb:84 Added method split to Pathname in /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/builder-2.1.2/lib/blankslate.rb:84

Also, there is no support for the removal of methods / undefinition.

I didn't respect 80 character line widths =/

These aren't blockers for my uses, so I may not fix this in the near future. Please send me your patches / pull requests.



InspectorGadget is released under the WTFPL.