- 2
Library not found
#80 opened by Laura477 - 1
scroll inside the item
#78 opened by anshusharma13 - 0
Vertical swipe
#79 opened by HassanRaza1112 - 1
disable card swipe on a certain condition
#73 opened by pkl125 - 3
not working inside scrollview
#59 opened by saravanan72 - 2
Add card to top of stack programmatically
#41 opened by norrisboat - 1
- 1
#77 opened by mikesidhu - 0
#76 opened by HassanRaza1112 - 0
Disable right swipe
#75 opened by deepakrana0011 - 0
How to refine search result
#74 opened by HassanRaza1112 - 1
A/OpenGLRenderer: Error: Ambient Index Buffer overflow!!! used 338, total 298
#72 opened by anantshah93 - 2
SwipeAnimation duration doesn't used
#64 opened by JackyDuong - 0
- 0
- 1
Swiping left changing color value
#67 opened by IOException722 - 0
Is there any functionality to swipe up and down
#66 opened by jackstern - 0
Detecting swipe direction
#65 opened by Gh0stWires - 0
Spinner into Card
#63 opened by XcoverX - 1
- 0
#61 opened by msniranjan - 4
[0.3.0] Clicking on views layered on top of swipedeck, causes cardactionup/down
#57 opened by KishoreBabuIN - 5
Cannot swipe the second to last card.
#40 opened by qteen1 - 7
Last two items are not swiping in demo project
#45 opened by kimeeo - 2
- 7
Undo Option on Card-Deck
#26 opened by nomanbiniqbal - 14
- 3
Does the CardPositionCallback work?
#27 opened by bysdan42 - 4
Is there any way to skip top card_
#31 opened by beyti - 7
Swipe all items
#34 opened by MinaMohsen - 5
Swiping Quickly Freezes Deck
#29 opened by shaunkutch - 2
Select Particular index on click
#36 opened by pixelbendr - 2
Edges of the cards on the top
#39 opened by playeronee - 2
Cyclic looping through cards
#37 opened by nileshpa - 1
getAdapter and getCurrentTopPosition
#43 opened by QiXi - 1
programatically swiping card and left
#44 opened by manojkumar123 - 1
- 1
Reusing of the removed view
#50 opened by CodeBoyChd - 3
- 1
video in place of imageview
#48 opened by dev01-adroitinfosol - 1
- 1
Need to programatically clear the cards.
#52 opened by tusharme - 1
Allow adding an overlay view
#56 opened by Aditya94A - 1
Swipe triggers the onclick event
#58 opened by bhaskard - 1
- 1
NetworkImageView disappear
#60 opened by Kharlos - 0
Respect min and max Width and Height
#54 opened by peterbetos - 1
- 1
How can I make the stack to be flat?
#28 opened by bysdan42 - 0
Size of children
#32 opened by wakim