360º Video Streaming over QUIC
Repository setup
$ git clone
1. Start working through Clone the repo with:
- With https:
$ git clone https://github.com/gufernandez/aioquic-360-video-streaming
- Or ssh:
$ git clone ssh:git@github.com/gufernandez/aioquic-360-video-streaming
Environment setup
1. Install Python 3 in your favorite distribution (I'm currently using Python 3.6.9)
2. Use Python virtual environment for a better package management
- Install python3-venv
- Create a virtual environment on the project root:
$ python3 -m venv venv
- Activate it:
$ source venv/bin/activate
3. Install the project dependencies
- Update pip if necessary:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
- Install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
4. You're ready to work!
Running the application
1. Running the Server
The command to run the server is:
$ python3 server.py [-h] -c PATH/TO/CERTIFICATE [--host HOST] [--port PORT] -k PATH/TO/PRIVATE_KEY [-q QUEUE]
$ python3 server.py -c '../cert/ssl_cert.pem' -k '../cert/ssl_key.pem -q 'SP'
2. Running the Client
The command to run the client is:
$ python3 client.py [-h] [-c PATH/TO/CA_CERTS] -i USER_INPUT_FILE url
$ python3 client.py -c '../cert/pycacert.pem' -i '../data/user_input.csv' "wss://"
Simulation Environment
1. SSH
Access the simulation environment using the ssh command and certificate.
$ ssh -i CERT_FILE root@IP_ADDRESS
2. Setup
Go the project folder.
$ cd aioquic-260-video-streaming
Get the most recent changes from git
$ git pull
Make the script file executable.
$ chmod 755 run.sh
If you want a clean plate, delete the past logs
$ rm out/*
3. Run
The script file used to run the simulations is "run.sh". Edit it as necessary to achieve the simulation goals and then run it.
$ ./run.sh
The log files for all executions will be stored in the 'out' folder.