
A Clojure framework for efficiently writing C code

Primary LanguageClojure


A Clojure DSL for generating C code and dynamically loading it from the Clojure REPL.

Design Goals

  • Create a Clojure DSL that allows C code to be written using Clojure s-expressions and macros
  • Generate portable C99 compliant code that by default only depends on the following 3 standard header files: stdint.h, stddef.h, stdbool.h
  • Create an interface to different compiler backends that allows C code to be dynamically compiled, loaded, and reloaded at the REPL in development mode
  • Expose a plugin API that allows for extension modules such as an optional type system that supports classes, interfaces, etc.
  • Generate well-formatted, human readable source code
  • Do not assume that memory can be dynamically allocated by default (i.e. that malloc, free, new or delete are present)
  • Support enough C++ constructs for interacting with existing C++ code in an optional C++ mode
  • Support as many Clojure-like concepts as possible wherever it does not conflict with the other design goals.
  • Do not attempt to become a Clojure in C implementation (although c-in-clj could be a good framework for creating such a thing)
  • Provide an efficient mechanism for loading statically compiled libraries when in production mode (via P/Invoke on the CLR and JNI on the JVM)
  • Provide a Clojure implementation agnostic core that can run on any compliant Clojure implementation (compiler backends will necessarily have to be implementation and platform specific)


  • C is the most portable language and is probably the only thing that can be used on almost every platform be that desktop, mobile, or embedded
  • Clojure features such as macros and dynamic development via the REPL can greatly enhance productivity
  • C code can be written to perform as fast as anything else and adapted to meet constraints such as limited memory
  • C ABI is simple and consistent so almost everything can interop with C code (via P/Invoke for the CLR, JNI for Java, etc.)
  • Clojure can’t be taken everywhere (especially when it comes to embedded and mobile platforms), but it can generate code which can


  • Currently, the only supported compiler is MSVC via ClojureCLR
  • The public API for creating C functions, global variables, typedef’s, enums, and structs is approaching stability
  • The private, plugin API should be considered very unstable and subject to change


Create c function:

(cdefn function_name ^return_type [^arg1_type arg1]


(cdefn test1 ^void [^int32_t x ^int32_t y]
 (return (+ x y)))

Instrinsic types:

  • Fixed width integer types from <stdint.h> with the corresponding aliases:
  • float (32-bit) and double (64-bit) floating point types
  • void, char, size_t, ptrdiff_t
  • non-fixed width integer types like int, long, etc. will not be supported directly (although they can be used if needed)

Pointer Types

Any type can be made into a pointer type by adding * to the end of it. Multiple *’s can be added to the end of a type name as needed.


C structure’s can be defined as below:

(cstruct struct_name
 (member1_type member1)

Anonymous symbol and type names

Anonymous symbol and type names can be used to interact with external code include using a cinclude declarative (i.e. (cinclude “stdio.h”)). It is best to avoid anonymous symbols and types where possible because c-in-clj cannot make use of any type information. In the future there will be mechanisms for specifiying external functions and types.

Anonymous symbols

Any Clojure keyword will be interpreted as an anonymous function or variable symbol when in a function or variable position (i.e. (:printf “Hello World”) or (:printf :myString).

Anonymous types

Any Clojure string will be interpreted as an anonymous type when in a type position (i.e. ^”int” myVariable)

Dynamic symbols redefinition and function invocation

c-in-clj supports the dynamic redefinition of symbols. Support for this varies depending on the backend being used. This can be useful for redefining functions at the repl. For instance we can do the following:

user=> (cdefn test1 void [int32_t x int32_t y] (return (+ x y)))
user=> (cdefn test2 void [] (test1 3 4))
user=> (test2)
user=> (cdefn test1 void [int32_t x int32_t y] (return (* x y)))
user=> (test2)

The way function redefinition is handled is backend specific. Please consult the backend you are using for implementation specific details. Please be aware that backends may or may not throw an error when you try to redefine a function signature which will result in errors if not done carefully.

Keywords and Operators:

c-in-clj expressionc equivalent
(+ x y)x + y
(- x y)x - y
(* x y)x * y
(/ x y)x / y
(mod x y)x % y
(= x y)x == y
(not= x y)x != y
(< x y)x < y
(> x y)x > y
(<= x y)x <= y
(>= x y)x >= y
(or x y)(x \\y)
(and x y)(x && y)
(bit-and x y)(x & y)
(bit-or x y)(x | y)
(bit-xor x y)(x ^ y)
(bit-shift-left x y)(x << y)
(bit-shift-right x y)(x >> y)
(set! x y)(x = y)
(and= x y)(x &= y)
(or= x y)(x |= y)
(xor= x y)(x ^= y)
(inc x)++x
(post-inc x)x++
(dec x)–x
(post-dec x)x–
(not x)!x
(bit-not x)~x
(. x y)x.y
(-> x y)x->y
(ref x)&x
(deref x) or @x*x
(aget x i)x[i]
(aset x i z)x[i] = z
(sizeof x)sizeof(x)
(cast i32* x)(int32_t*)x

c-in-clj statements

{} blocks


if, else

(if (> x y) (a))

(if (> x y)) (a) (b))

(if (> x y)
if(x > y) a();

if(x > y) a();
else b();

if(x > y)


(case x
 0 (return a)
 1 (b)
 case 0:
  return a;
 case 1:


(while (> x y)
 (if (not (a x)) (break);
 (dec x))
while(x > y)
 if(!a(x)) break;


(for (set! x 0) (< x len) (pos x)
 (if (a x) (continue))
 (b x))

(for [(set! i 0) (set! j 0)] (and (< i x) (< j y)) [(inc i) (inc j)]
 (a i j))
for(x = 0, x < len, ++x)
 if(a(x)) continue;

for(i = 0, j = 0; i < x && j < y; ++i ++j)
 a(i, j);


 (label a)
  (if (b) (goto a)))
 int x = 0;
 double y = 1.0;
 a(x, y);
 b(y, x);


(let [^int x 0
      ^double y 1.0]
 (a x y) (b y x))
 int x = 0;
 double y = 1.0;
 a(x, y);
 b(y, x);

Literal C code

(case ch
 (c* "'\\n'")
 (return 1)
 (return 0))
  case '\n':
    return 1;
    return 0;