
A tool that can mock out an existing Appium session, supports both Java and Kotlin.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A tool that can mock out an existing Appium session, supports both Java and Kotlin.

How to install latest appium-mocker Beta/Snapshots


Mock(Attach) a appium session

It is very simple to use, but the premise of using it is that there is already an existing session somewhere.

If not, we can create one via command line or desktop or something else.

e.g. create a appium session via curl command

curl -X POST "http://{ip_address}:{port}/wd/hub/session/" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"desiredCapabilities": {"platformName":"iOS","deviceName": "iPhone 8","udid": "{udid}","automationName": "XCUITest","noReset":"true","newCommandTimeout":"60000","NoReset":"true"}}'

get session info from response

{"value":{"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"platformName":"iOS","deviceName":"iPhone 8","udid":"00008020-000304302699002E","automationName":"XCUITest","noReset":true,"newCommandTimeout":6000000,"NoReset":"true"},"sessionId":"fdddff85-0c28-4885-9b72-b38905e86c9c","status":0}

Just provide basic information, appium mocker will help you mock out an appium driver for testing

Simple example in Kotlin

    val capabilities= BaseCapabilities(ip = host, port = port, sessionId = sessionId, platform = platform)
    val appiumDriver = AppiumMocker.mock(baseCapabilities = capabilities) as AndroidDriver

Simple example in Java

    BaseCapabilities capabilities = new BaseCapabilities(host,port,sessionId,platform);
    AndroidDriver androidDriver = (AndroidDriver) AppiumMocker.INSTANCE.mock(capabilities);