Node parallel benchmarks

Playground for benchmarking Node.js APIs for parallel processing.

Note: This collection of benchmarks is scoped to comparing the speed of parallel processing a large number of text files. Example applications are linting, static analysis, code transformation, etc.


git clone
npm run workers-vs-forks


How to adjust the benchmark parameters

Open the config.mjs file and update the following parameters:

Parameter Description
workerPoolSize The number of workers to use
benchmarkIterations The number of times to run the benchmark for a given Node API
processIterations The number of times processor.mjs iterates over data.tsx. Use this parameter to adjust how long a single file takes to process
filesCount The number of files to process
filesChunkSize The number of files a worker.mjs instance will process at a time

How it works

  • Each src/run-<script>.mjs performs the following operations:
    • Creates a pool of workers
    • Passes a chunk of file paths to each worker
      • Each worker performs the following operations:
        • Promise.all over each file path:
          • Reads the file content
          • Passes the file content to the processor.mjs script (representative of a generic function to perform any of the example applications listed above)
          • Each processor script performs the following operations:
            • Iterates over each character in the file content
            • Computes the frequency of each character
            • Returns the results back to the worker
        • Returns the results back to the main thread
        • Receives another chunk of file paths from the main thread and repeats the above steps
    • Terminates each worker when there are no more file paths to process
