A Clojure library designed to construct Graphite graph URLs.
Add this to your project.clj
's dependencies:
[org.bittorrent.scribble "0.1.0"]
(ns my-app
(:require [org.bittorrent.scribble :as scribble]))
(scribble/build-url host-params graph-params)
=> "http://graphite.whatever.com/render?from=-2hours&target=some.stats.one&target=some.stats.two"
should be a map containing the keys:
:host "graphite.whatever.com" ; required
:scheme "https" ; optional - defaults to "http"
:port 8080 : optional - defaults to unspecified, lets browser choose
:user "myuser" ; optional - for http basic auth
:passwd "asdf" ; optional - only include if you input a username
should be a map containing valid Graphite arguments, similar to the following:
:from "-2hours"
:until "now"
:targets ["stats.info.firstTarget" "stats.info.secondTarget"]
Any key may have a vector of multiple values; it will be repeated in the URL as a result. Doing so is optional, however, even for :targets
Copyright © 2014 BitTorrent, Inc. Written by Jason Whitlark and Aaron Cohen.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.