Note: This was written to scratch my own itch. There are probably better ways to handle CocoaPods and Carthage as a Library Author. If you find a use for this and would like to help make it better checkout GTMAppAuth issue or help make this project better with pull requests.
What is this:
Working on a project which uses Carthage
, but google drive services and google auth both use CocoaPods
as a Library builder/generator which. I would also prefer to not have have my project mix and match CocoaPods
and Carthage
This is a simple Carthage compatible project used to isolate the CocoaPods
consuming code from a containing project.
hopefully: none
Installed via git submodule
, Carthage
or pod 'DriveKit'. Use whatever means need to add this as a depenency to a project
Note: this is not a public podspec because im not sure about name collisions or redistribution issues.
The build is manually setup. The google repo is very close to being Carthage compatable.
has some nullibility and docstring issues I would prefer to not edit the code so a custom header is defined within target Support. tvOS would need these files but my project doesnt need tvOS.
AppAuth-iOS/AppAuth supports carthage but GTMAppAuth has some weird building issues on those releases. Works fine when building as a dependency but local builds don't play well with the project layout. Workaround: the local scheme is suppressed. To avoid multiple duplicate depency builds use the carthage
dependency. This builds AppAuth and GTMSession/GTMAppAuth use products and headers.
Aaron Crespo,
DriveKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.