Open Source Inertial Navigation System Design (OINS)

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Open Inertial Navigation System Design (OINS)

About OINS OINS is an Open Hardware and Open Software Modular Inertial Navigation System test bed. The current design revision consists of four baords: Power Supply Unit (PSU), GPS and AUX Unit (GAU), Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The system design is modular to reduce redundancy for system integration. To opperate as a INS the CPU must recieve accurate GAU and IMU data form the ARHS (Altitude Heading and Reffernce) output.

Design Motivation OINS is intended to serve first as a lowcost alternative to comercial Inertial Navigation Systems such as the Microstrain 3DM-GX3 or the SBG Systems IG-500N. However OINS is also intended to be a versitile hardware and software refernce design for Undergraduate, Graduate and enthusiast research. Inertial Navigations Systems cover a wide range of topics from: analog filtering and system design, digital filtering, state estimation and navigation. There is room for contribution from various engineering disciplins such as mechanical, electrical, computer and civil.

OINS Test Bed By providing a complete functinal refernce design OINS could serve as a platform for filtering and estimation research or as a lowcost platform to provide high qaulity scientific inertial data. Version 1.0 OINS will consist of the best Analog Inertial